Старинный цирк.
Очень интересные фотографии.
Georges Méliès, 1901
Sascha and Delila , sideshow performers 1905
Zelda Boden, circus performer, ca. 1910
Circus strong woman, 1905
Mirin Dajo - The Extreme Human Pincushion
Mirin Dajo - The Extreme Human Pincushion
-----------Метатели ножей-------
knife thrower, The Netherlands, 1906
Knife Thrower's Assistant.
Knife Thrower Signor Arcaris & his sister Miss Rose Arcaris, c.1900
Sparks Circus, 1923.
Clown Talk (c.1905)
The Fratellini brothers, 1944 photographed by Robert Doisneau
Thora and Nellie joking with clown, Travelling Circus, c.1918
Two clowns in plaid suits with top hats and canes ca. 1925
"Two Midget Clowns" 1935 by John Gutmann.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/51239149@N03/sets/72157624637634292/with/4853821610/ ------------------
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