Адовы Уста (Hell Mouth) 11-17 век. Часть 1

Jun 22, 2012 18:57

Адовы Уста (Hell Mouth) -графика, миниатюры, скульптура.

Leyden,Lucas van
The maw of hell devouring the damned. Right wing of the triptych The Last Judgement. (1526-1527)

After Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1561

Уста адовы (Hell Mouth)-греческое "στόμα αδου"- популярный в средневековой иконографии мотив - изображение ворот ада в виде развёрстой пасти чудовища. В XII-XIII веке распространяется по всей Европе (особенно в таких сюжетах, как «Страшный суд» и «Сошествие во ад»).

И отличная подборка kardiologn, редкие картинки и миниатюры, очень советую посмотреть:

Страшный суд-ТУТ

Есть два основных иконографических типа:
грешники падают сверху в раскрытую пасть, помещаемую внизу композиции;
либо уста располагают горизонтально и грешники входят в них (либо выводятся Христом в иконографии сошествия во ад).
Этот сюжет изображался в миниатюре, графике, живописи и скульпптуре.
--------------Графика-Hell mouth-------

Ein Engel versperrt die Pforten der Unterwelt mit einem Schlüssel, Miniatur aus dem Psalter von Winchester, British Libary, London
Date 1150

Printed by Heinrich Steiner
Print made by Hans Weiditz
The narrow path leading to salvation; followed by various figures through a landscape at left; their destination an apparition of Christ with the Virgin and St John at upper right; at lower right two murders, a bird-like monster attacking the virtuous and the hellmouth devouring sinners; illustration to Cicero, 'Officia', Augsburg: Steiner, 1531.

The Last Judgement; after Dürer (Meder 161); Christ with the lily and sword at top, flanked by the Virgin and St John the Baptist interceeding on behalf of the humans below, some of which disappear into a hellmouth, as other are led away by angels to left; illustration to an unidentified edition of a Passional, printed by Valentin Geissler in Nuremberg after 1552.

The Last Judgement; Christ with the sword and lily and the globe at upper centre, the Virgin and St John kneeling next to him as intercessors; below the righteous led away at left, as sinners are swallowed up by a hell mouth. Illustration to 'Sanctorum et Martyrum Christi Icones', Frankfurt: Egenolph, 1551.

Matthias Gerung
Christ forcing the unfaithful into the Mouth of Hell; Christ with a long sword hitting out at Turks, clerics and demons in the hell-mouth, a congregation of Protestants listening to a sermon in background. From a series of 48 woodcut illustration intended for Laurentius Agricola's translation of Sebastian Meyer's Apocalypse commentary.

After Albrecht Dürer
Copy of a woodcut from the series Small Passion of c.1510, showing the Last Judgement, with Christ in Heaven sitting atop a sphere, a lily and a sword emanating from his head, with the Virgin kneeling on the left and St John the Baptist on the right; in the top corners two angels blowing trumpets, at the bottom angels leading the blessed towards Heaven and devils the sinners into the mouth of Hell. c.1550-1600

After Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Published by Hieronymus Cock
Print made by Pieter van der Heyden
The Descent of Christ into Limbo. Christ set inside a sphere of radiance in centre, holding the banner of the Resurrection and surrounded by music-making angels; at left saint and patriarchs pour out of the mouth of Hell, the gates of which have been removed; various fantastical and demonic creatures and contraptions surround this central scene; after Pieter Bruegel. c.1561

Hieronymus Wierix
1619 (before)
St Michael triumphing over the dragon; a child, seen walking to left, accompanied by a guardian angel pointing upwards to the crowning of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Trinity; a monster seen behind the child and the mouth of Hell at right, with a skeleton throwing an arrow seen inside the mouth.

1600-1625 (c.)
Emblem; Meditation of Hell; a hellmouth showing humans being chased and tortured by various kinds of monsters while surrounded by fire

After Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini
Print made by Matthäus Küsel
The hellmouth: demons flying in front of an enormous monster, whose mouth opens onto a scene representing ferryman Charon on the River Styx, and a burning city in the distance; the eighth of the twenty-three stage sets designed by Lodovico Burnacini for 'Il Pomo d'Oro'. 1668

----------Jaws Of Hell-миниатюры-------

The Jaws of Hell Swallowing the Red Dragon, the Beast of the Sea and the Beast of the Earth

"Harrowing of Hell, and Christ, Thomas and Mary Magdalene, in The Winchester Psalter" Ink and pigments on vellum, 12th century

From the 14th-century Taymouth Hours.

Illustration by Simon Marmion for the Visio Tnugdali, a medieval vision of hell and heaven: The guardian angel shows Tundalus the gaping mouth of a monster, in whose belly poor souls are tortured. The mouth is held open by two giants, one of them standing on his head.
Date circa 1475

Hellmouth or the Mouth of Hell, by Simon Marmion, from the Getty Tondal, detail, ca. 1475.

----------Часослов-Hours of Catherine of Cleves----

A full page from the "The Hours of Catherine of Cleves" (illuminated manuscript)

Meester van Katharina van Kleef, Hellemond
English: Master of Catherine of Cleves, Mouth of Hell
Date circa 1440

miniature from the Hours of Catherine of Cleves, Morgan Library & Museum,
Date ca. 1440

From "The Hours of Catherine of Cleves" (illuminated manuscript)

Demons and Devotion: The Hours of Catherine of Cleves


The Last Judgement from Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Folio 34r - the Musée Condé, Chantilly.


Last Judgement window, Cathedral Saint-Etienne de Bourges.
Еще здесь:http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Last+Judgement+window%2C+Cathe%CC%81drale+Saint-E%CC%81tienne&m=text


А fresco detail of Hell from the medieval church St. Nicolas in Raduil village, Bulgaria

Loose icon in Gelati monastery shows somewhat unusual picture of hell.

---------------El Greco (1541-1614)--------------

Эль Греко был одним из последних художников, которые разрабатывали этот средневековый мотив.

El Greco - The Adoration of the Name of Jesus

between 1578 and 1580


The gates of Hell, in the form of a monster's maw, receive the sinners; Last Judgement tympanon from Sainte-Foy Church in Conques.
Sainte-Foy Church, Conques, France


'Harrowing of Hell', 15th century English alabaster relief



"Mouth of Hell with Sinners, Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, UK "

Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Eglise Saint-Georges, Détails du rétable "Jugement dernier (1496)


Картинок с этим сюжетом много, продолжение следует.

Еще по теме:

АД, все посты-ТУТ

ДЬЯВОЛ и прочая нечисть-ТУТ


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