Охота на единорога(“Тhe hunt of the unicorn” 1500-е г.

Nov 11, 2011 15:38

Охота на единорога(“Тhe hunt of the unicorn” 1500-е г.

Френды, извините, что не всем ответила на поздравления- на следующий день умерла собака, наш Дэник. Он уже старенький был и очень тосковал по хозяину, так жалко его было.
Вот картинка, похожая по настроению, и собачка чем-то похожа:

A. Archer.Dog Mourning Its Little Master, 1866

А это серия фламандских шпалер 1500-х годов из музея Метрополитен-"Охота на единорога":

Там много охотничьих собак.

Tapestry no. 1: The hunters gather

New York City, Metropolitan Museum, The Cloisters
The Unicorn Tapestries on “the hunt of the unicorn”
Series of seven Flemish tapestries from around 1500 CE


Tapestry no. 2: The Unicorn is found

Tapestry no. 2: The Unicorn is found (detail)

Tapestry no. 2: The Unicorn is found (detail)

Tapestry no. 2: The Unicorn is found (detail)


Tapestry no. 3: The Unicorn tries to escape

Tapestry no. 3: The Unicorn tries to escape (detail)

Tapestry no. 3: The Unicorn tries to escape (detail)

Tapestry no. 4: The Unicorn at bay

Tapestry no. 4: The Unicorn at bay (detail)

Tapestry no. 4: The Unicorn at bay (detail)

Tapestry no. 4: The Unicorn at bay (detail)

Tapestry no. 4: The Unicorn at bay (detail)



Tapestry no. 6: The Unicorn is killed & brought to the castle

Tapestry no. 6: The Unicorn is killed & brought to the castle (detail)

Tapestry no. 6: The Unicorn is killed & brought to the castle (detail)

Tapestry no. 6: The Unicorn is killed & brought to the castle (detail)


Tapestry no. 7: The Unicorn in captivity

New York City, Metropolitan Museum, The Cloisters
The Unicorn Tapestries on “the hunt of the unicorn”
Series of seven Flemish tapestries from around 1500 CE

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