(no subject)

Jun 06, 2011 15:05

Jan (Jean) Mandyn (Holland, 1500 - 1559)

Saint Christopher and the Christ Child, circa 1550

Ян Мандейн ( Jan Mandyn, Jan Mandijn, 1500/1502, Харлем - 1559/1560, Антверпен) - фламандский художник. Его относят к группе антверпенских художников-последователей Иеронима Босха.

Jan (Jean) Mandyn (Mandijn) - Temptations of St. Anthony (c1555)
Хороших фото их картин очень мало, вот что удалось собрать по разным сайтам.

------------------St Christopher--------------

Jan Mandyn (Holland, 1500 - 1559)
Saint Christopher and the Christ Child, circa 1550
Painting, Oil on panel, 13 1/2 x 18 1/4 in. (34.29 x 46.36 cm)
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maddow (59.48)
European Painting and Sculpture Department.

Landscape with the Legend of St Christopher
Flemish painter (b. ca. 1500, Haarlem, d. 1559, Antwerpen)
Oil on panel, 71 x 99 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg


From the De Jonckheere Gallery

1550. Óleo sobre roble. 98.5 x 147 cm. Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao. España.

Last Judgement

Jan Mandyn painted the "Last Judgement" In 1550 with oil paints in hues of brown, blue, yellow, red and greens on canvas.

Les OEuvres de Miséricorde
actif à Anvers entre 1540 et 1570
Ecole Flandres ; Anvers
Breughel Pieter le Jeune, Bruegel d'Enfer (dit, ancienne attribution);Mandyn Jan (ancienne attribution)


An Allegory of the Horrors of War" oil on Canvas.
(after) Jan Mandyn


Seguace di Jan Mandyn
Scena fantastica

--------------Искушение Святого Антония----------------

-------------"The Temptation of St Anthony"---------

Jan Mandyn - "The Temptation of St Anthony"
Liechtenstein Museum


У него несколько картин "Temptation of St Anthony", одна выше, а эта была продана на Сотбис четыре года назад.

early Flemish paintings, and Temptation of St Anthony paintings. Jan Mandyn (or Mandijn), a rather obscure 16th century Dutch painter. Mandyn painted at least two Temptations of St Anthony. One is well known but the other was only brought out before the public when it was sold at Christies in London four years ago.


Mandijn, Jan
Haarlem c. 1500 - Antwerpen c. 1560
The Temptation of St Anthony
Искушение Святого Антония. Он погружен в молитву. Вокруг него всякие дьявольские существа пытаются отвратить его от благочестия.
Пост zabzamok , спасибо ему большое-
выложил отсутствующие в поиске фрагменты:

Jan Mandijn (около 1500-около 1560) (1510-1570)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Frans Hals Museum 61.5 × 83.5 см



Он пишет, что это единственная картина Яна Мандейна. Авторство остальных картин, которые приписывают ему, достоверно не доказано. Считается, что Мандейн был неграмотным и поэтому не мог оставить на своих «Искушениях» подписи готическим шрифтом.


Круг последователей Босха и "Искушения Св.Антония" выложу еще позже, есть очень интересные малоизвестные вещи, которых нет в интернет-галереях.

Еще по теме:

Дьявол и нечисть, все посты-ТУТ


The Egyptian hermit St Anthony (c. 251-356) is sunk in prayer. Around him all sorts of diabolical beings try to tempt him away from his piety. At the upper left he is even dragged viciously up into the air. However, he is unmoved by it all, according to the surviving contemporary account of his life by St Athanasius. Anthony withstood the many demonic trials and survived to the age of 105. He was venerated for centuries as the patron saint who gave protection against contagious diseases. He is also regarded as the founding father of the monastic life. Jan Mandijn, who was born in Haarlem but worked in Antwerp, drew his inspiration for this work from a painting of the same name by Hieronymus Bosch (c.1450-1516), which is now in Lisbon.


Born in Harlem in 1502, Jan Mandijn settled in Antwerp in 1530. He very rapidly built himself an excellent reputation there through his portrayals of dreamlike scenes such as his versions of the Temptation of Saint Anthony and Saint Christopher for which he drew largely on the fantastic creatures of Hieronymus Bosch, just like Pieter Huys. However, his amusing rather than truly disturbing compositions do not possess this fearful background that is characteristic of the Bois-le-Duc master. In just as characteristic a way, the paintings of Mandijn stand out owing to the heightened realism of his landscapes, often painted with supple and broad brushstrokes. It has become customary to group together a certain number of paintings that are kept in Antwerp, Bruges, Douai, Florence, Vienna and Saint Petersburg; amongst these works are subjects such as the Temptation of Saint Anthony, The Torments of Hell or The Last Judgment. The following are four of Mandijn's many paintings of the Temptation of St. Anthony.


