Matthias Gerung(1500-1570) "Апокалипсис" и "Меланхолия"

May 04, 2011 15:26

Matthias Gerung(1500-1570)"Апокалипсис" и "Меланхолия"

Этого художника и графика нет в крупных интернет-галереях и даже в артциклопедии, картинки собирались по разным сайтам, графика и "Апокалипсис" нашлись в Британском Музее.

MELANCOLIA (Меланхолия в саду жизни)1558.

Также удалось найти сайт с подробнейшими фрагментами его самой известной картины "Меланхолия"- маленькой энциклопедии жизни и быта в картинках, там есть все: от турниров и игр до борделя с бассейном!

Matthias Gerung-гравер; художник, (printmaker, painter/draughtsman, German, c.1500 - 1568 or 1570)


Matthias Gerung
Catholic clergy revelling; clerics and prostitutes drinking and playing games at a table, a flying devil holding the papal tiara above a priest.

The baptism of the Antichrist; the Antichrist wearing a papal tiara, surrounded by a group of devils dressed as monks and nuns. With grotesque ornamental border and two cartouches with letterpress title and verse.

The birth of the Antichrist; with grotesque ornamental border and two cartouches with letterpress title and verse.

The clergy feasting in the jaws of a devil; the demon seated, turned to left on a papal bull, its left foot in a vessel for Holy Water, and holding a collection box in its right hand. Smaller demons preparing food on its head, flying creatures approaching with the pope and a canon.

Satire on the Ablaßhandel
Gerung Matthias

Attributed to Matthias Gerung
Formerly attributed to Hans Weiditz


Christ forcing the unfaithful into the Mouth of Hell; Christ with a long sword hitting out at Turks, clerics and demons in the hell-mouth, a congregation of Protestants listening to a sermon in background. From a series of 48 woodcut illustration intended for Laurentius Agricola's translation of Sebastian Meyer's Apocalypse commentary.

The heavenly Protestant and earthly Catholic Churches; two Protestant Preachers and their congregations surrounded by clouds in foreground. In background the Antichrist on a throne and surrounded by clerics.

The key to the kingdom of Heaven; below three beasts dressed as pope, cardinal and bishop reading scriptures, on left a man beating another group of reading beasts with a hammer.

The destruction of the Catholic Church; the dead pope and clerics lying amongst the rubble of a collapsing church building, the emperor and merchants looking on from the left.

Death and Salvation; below a landscape with death as the grim reaper, with scenes of war, burning cities, burials, suicide, a hanging and child death. Above Christ with angels, to left and right acts of mercy, above God the Father with the just.

The Staircase to Heaven barred to the Catholics; impression of the lower right portion only of a woodcut printed from four blocks; with St John the Baptist standing next to St Peter holding a large key at left; the gathered group of Catholics headed by Charles V, a cardinal and Moses; at lower left the head of a boar with a fool's cap and the papal tiar

The pope and a Sultan as Demons dragging their followers into Hell

Matthias Gerung
The Whore of Babylon, a study for the woodcut of the same subject; woman wearing low-cut dress, sitting on a many-headed grotesque beast, holding a smoking urn in her right hand, a group of ecclesiastics are kneeling at right looking at her, trees behind and a city in the distance at l. c.1546-48

Pen and black ink; parts of the drawing have been cut and made up late

"The Roman Clergy In Hell" from 1540.

(Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz)

Presentation of the Holy Book

The Pope and the Roman clergy in a boiler

Three types of idol worship

Confrontation between the Roman Church and the unbelievers. With predigendem Christ in the background

Turks kill Christians, the Pope, the poor

------------- from the Mompelgarter Altarpiece-----------

Christ and the Woman from Samaria at Jacob's Well

Lazarus and the Rich Man's Table

Beware of false prophets; they come to you with the garb of sheep

'No one is any use to the Reign of God who puts his hand to the plough and then looks behind him', Christ teaching his disciples

'The Realm of Heaven may be compared to a king who resolved to settle accounts with his servants' (Matthew 18, Luke 17), illustration to Christ's teaching

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

„The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins“
Matthias Gerung or Gerou
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria


------------Ottheinrich-Bibel, Bayerische -------------

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The Giving of the Seven Bowls of Wrath / The First Six Plagues, Revelation Staatsbibliothek

еще мгого -ТУТ


Картина в зале
Чего только в ней нет- почти вся картина жизни и быта тех времен, от занятий до развлечений.

Как пишут, на эту картину его вдохновила гравюра Дюрера:

Melancholia; a winged woman representing Melancholy wearing a wreath is sitting amongst numerous objects, including a bell, hourglass, scales, and a magic square; with a putto sitting on a grindstone, next to which a dog is sleeping; in the background a bat is flying, carrying a banner with the inscription 'Melencolia I'; in the foreground are carpenter tools and a sphere.

Matthias Gerung, "Die Melancholie im Garten des Lebens"
Меланхолия в саду жизни


замок и строительство под радугой

армия парад

пастбище с животными


стрельба из ружей

соколиной охоты, охота с арбалетом на уток



конный турнир

Оркестр для турнира



Танцы медведей



Арбалеты и игры

Музыканты и игра на деньги

Игры на деньги

пары танцуют

------------------публичный дом-------------

публичный дом



только для женщин (!)


"автомобили" за борделем

Туалет в кустах и последствия праздника


архитектор на краю

ноги распятого Христа из музея Боде
(Altartafel der ritterlichen Georgsbruderschaft in der Georgskapelle der Marienkirche in Danzig, Frankreich, um 1420)

еще детали:
русский перевод

-----------------Еще картины------

(Die Gerechtigkeit schläft.) (Юстиция спит.)
В середине письма ниже "МГ", что Матиас Gerung, девиз:" О мир, о горе! " .
Daneben ist das Bild auf 1543 datiert. датирована 1543 годо


Allegory of Love (1535)

Суд Париса и Троянская война
The Judgement of Paris and the Trojan War 1540
Matthias Gerung

Этой картины я нигде не нашла в большом размере, как ни искала, а очень жаль.

Если кто не видел- могу выложить всех "Меланхолий" Кранаха, их четыре, а остальные- графика, они у меня есть здесь:

Четыре темперамента-The Four Temperaments-ТУТ


