Оптические иллюзии.Потолки trompe l'oeil.
church in Düsseldorf- trompe l' oeil at the pulpit's inner ceiling.
Этот приём обмана зрения использовался уже в Древней Греции и Древнем Риме. Типичный пример "тромплей" - настенное изображение окна, двери или пейзажа для создания ложного эффекта того, что комната больше, чем она есть. Точно так же было и с потолками- за счет этого приема достигался прорыв пространства в высоту.
Milano, Santa Maria presso San Satiro
Donato Bramante. 1476 e il 1482 p
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiesa_di_Santa_Maria_presso_San_Satiro С пониманием законов перспективы итальянские живописцы начали рисовать стены и своды, в основном фрески, с использованием законов перспективы для создания эффекта увеличения пространства. Этот тип тромплей известен как di sotto in sù, снизу вверх- в переводе с итальянского.
===================MANTEGNA, Andrea=============
Ceiling Oculus
Fresco, diameter: 270 cm
Camera degli Sposi, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua
Andrea Mantegna, Di sotto in sù ceiling fresco in the Camera degli Sposi of the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua.
Inscription with Putti
Walnut oil on plaster
много здесь:
http://marinni.livejournal.com/535645.html#cutid1 ===================Giulio Romano (Pippi)(1492-1546)============
View of the Sala dei Giganti (south and west walls)
Sala dei Giganti, Palazzo del Tи, Mantua
View of the Sala di Psyche (east wall)
Vaulted ceiling (detail)
Sala di Psyche
http://marinni.livejournal.com/469550.html#cutid1 ================Melozzo da Forlì==========================
Dome decoration
Basilica of Santa Casa, Loreto
Fresko (Detail) von Melozzo da Forli in der Basilika zu Loreto.
Italiano: Affresco della cupola del santuario di Loreto, (Marche, Italia), opera di Melozzo da Forlì.
Triumphant Christ
Fresco transferred to canvas
Palazzo Quirinale, Rome
Triumphant Christ
Fresco transferred to canvas
Palazzo Quirinale, Rome
Melozzo Da Forli (1438-1494)
Music-making Angel
Music-making Angel
Pinacoteca (Vatican, Holy See (Vatican City State)
Storia di Diana e Atteone
Autore: Francesco Mazzola, detto il Parmigianino
http://forum.politicainrete.net/esoterismo-e-tradizione/43019-parmigianino-lalchimia-come-arte.html Datazione: 1522-24
Decorazione della Camera di San Paolo
1519 c.
affresco su muro, 600 x 650
Il Duomo, capolavoro romanico lombardo del sec. XII, affiancato dall'alto ed elegante campanile gotico, custodisce all'interno mirabili realizzazioni artistiche, tra cui, nella cupola, l'Assunzione della Vergine, grandioso affresco del Correggio
Visione di San Giovanni a Patmos, 1520 ed il 1521
-------------Firenze, Santa Maria del Fiore ----------
Trompe l'oeil
Italia, Toscana, Firenze, Santa Maria del Fiore (Dumo) , Architects Arnolfo di Cambio & Filippo Brunelleschi (the dome), Dome, Lantern, Frescoe, The last judgement. (Giorgo Vasari, Frederico Zuccari & Giovanni Balducci)
Dome- Last judgement
Italia, Toscana, Firenze, Santa Maria del Fiore (Dumo) , Architects Arnolfo di Cambio & Filippo Brunelleschi (the dome), Dome, Inside: Last judgement (fresco1572-79) (Vasari)
http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=Firenze,%20Santa%20Maria%20del%20Fiore%20cupola#page=2 -------------------di sotto in sù---------------
domenico chiocchetti
Lamb Holm, Italian Chapel
Minor Basilica of St. Lorenzo Ruiz aka Binondo Church
Lrenzo Ruiz is the first Filipino Roman Catholic saint. A Chinese mestizo (his father was Chinese and his mother was Filipino), he was tortured and martyred in Japan in 1637.
---------------"Архитектурные" потолки--------
Законы перспективы XVII века, использовавшиеся художниками для того, чтобы «открыть» пространство стены или свода, получили название quadratura.
Trompe l'oeil
The dome in the Cathedral of Assumption, Victoria, Gozo, Malta.
Painting by Antonio Manuele
----------------------Andrea Pozzo-------------
The illustionistic perspective of Andrea Pozzo's trompe-l'oeil dome at Sant'Ignazio (1685) creates an illusion of an actual architectural space on what is, in actuality, a slightly concave painted surface.
“Geometria a sorpresa nella cupola di Andrea Pozzo"
http://3d-in-2d.com/andrea-pozzo-ad-arezzo/ -------------------------Andrea Pozzo-------------------
Один из превосходных примеров архитектурного тромплея представляет собой купол Иезуитской церкви в Вене художника Андреа Поццо, который хотя лишь слегка изогнут, но создаёт впечатление реального архитектурного сооружения:
Fresco with Trompe l'oeuil - Andrea Pozzo -Jesuit Church Vienna.1703
Pozzo Corridor
Andrea Pozzo's first Roman frescoes located in the adjoining building next to the Gesu church.
Apotheosis of St Ignatius
Sant' Ignazio di Loyola a Campo Marzio in Rome was built in 1626 and dedicated to St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, who had just been canonized.
The fantastic ceiling by Andrea Pozzo is a masterpiece of trompe l'oeil. It depicts St Ignatius being welcomed into the celestial paradise by Christ and Blessed Virgin. The figures around him represent the four continents.
-----------------------Pietro da Cortona------------------
Chiesa Nuova (Rome)
Pietro da Cortona (1647)
Pietro da Cortona: Allegory of Divine Providence and Barberini Power (Ceiling Detail: Barberini Palace, Rome) 1633-1639
Ceiling of the Hall of Jiove
Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669 Italian)
Palatine Gallery, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
The Allegory of Divine Providence and Barberini Power is a fresco by Italian painter Pietro da Cortona, filling the large ceiling of the grand salon of the Palazzo Barberini in Rome,
---------------------18 век----------------------
Apotheosis of Charles VI - Fresco of Paul Troger (1739) - Imperial Stair Case - Göttweig Abbey
Ceiling painting of the Marble Hall - Melk Abbey - Austria
Marble hall; ceiling fresco by Paul Troger (1731); architectural painting by Gaetano Fanti; Melk Abbey, Austria
Detail of the apotheosis of Charles VI - Fresco of Paul Troger (1739) - Imperial Stair Case - Göttweig Abbey
Luca Giordano (1632-1705)
Pinturas en la cúpula de la sacristía de la Catedral de Toledo, España
St. Peter's Basilica, Bernini's baldacchino and the main dome interior
Bernini's Dome
-------------------Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista------------------
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista - Bellerophon on Pegasus - 1746-47
Milano - Palazzo Dugnani - Sala del Tiepolo - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto
Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista - The Triumph of Zephyr and Flora - 1734-35
Apoll führt Friedrich Barbarossa Beatrix von Burgund zu
Fresken im königlichen Palast von Madrid, Szene: Apotheose der spanischen Königsfamilie
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paintings_by_Giovanni_Battista_Tiepolo -------------------Гризайль-------------------
Trompe l'oeil ceiling, vatican
Design for a ceiling painting with Mercury bringing a hero before Venus; in the corners the four sea
c. 1723
Jacob de Wit
della capella di Sant' Uberto (protettore dei cacciatori) nel complesso della reggia di Venaria. Si tratta di un capolavoro del Barocco internazionale, realizzato tra il 1716 e il 1729 su progetto di Filippo Juvarra.
San Agustin Church's interior is in the form of a Latin cross. The church has 14 side chapels and a trompe-l'oeil ceiling painted in 1875 by Italian artists Cesare Alberoni and Giovanni Dibella.
================Eще примеры=======
Triumph in the Name of Jesus
This is a trompe l'oeil ceiling in the Gesu (Jesuit) church in Rome
Sorrento, Palazzo Reale, Naples
Trompe l'oeil ceiling, Venice
Trompe l'oeil ceiling of library in Vienna
vienne bibliothèque
Chateau de Versailles
Trompe l'oeil. Plafond du Salon de Venus (Ceiling of Venus Drawing room).
On the corner of the ceilng, capital is painted and not built for holding up the vault of the ceiling.
Igreja Paroquial São Paulo, Praça de São Paulo, Lisboa. One of the best trompe-l'oeil I've seen & recently restored too
Ca' Sagredo ceiling
Ballroom of a palace hotel in Venice
Vestibule Ceiling, Painted Hall
At Greenwich Naval College, looking at the vestibule ceiling of the Painted Hall, probably the finest dining hall in the Western world. The Hall is decorated with stunning paintings by James Thornhill, and is part of the King William Court. Wren submitted the designs in 1698
Mentorella, J.P. Schor, Lunette S
Above the all painting of the Conversion of St. Eustace, an angel holds garlands.
Pannonhalma, Hungary
opera house ' ceiling mural
------------------Потолки-Кurt Wenner-----------
Он обычно рисует на асфальте, но иногда делает и потолки, решила показать для контраста.
Labor decoration detail
Apollo detail
Icarus and Daedalus detail
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