Агнец Божий-Agnus Dei

Jul 25, 2010 16:17

Агнец Божий-Agnus Dei

Benozzo Gozzoli/about 1459

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А́гнец - животное (ягнёнок, козлёнок), приносившееся в жертву всесожжения.

В Библии агнец - поэтический образ, символ терпеливого, кроткого человека. В христианской апокалиптике агнец божий или просто агнец - название Иисуса Христа или Христа как мессии.
Ранние изображения Христа- часто в виде именно агнца, как бы жертвы.

В художественной литературе, особенно в поэзии, этот образ часто употребляется, как символ смирения и покорности («смиренный агнец»).
Агнец является пасхальным символом в большинстве христианских стран.

BOUTS, Dieric the Elder
Ecce agnus Dei
Wood, 53,8 x 41,2 cm

ALBEREGNO, Jacobello
Polyptych of the Apocalypse (central panel)
Tempera on panel, 95 x 61 cm
Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

-----------------Панно, алтари и фрески------------------------

Medici Chapel: Mystic Lamb
Benozzo Gozzoli
about 1459
Florence, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, Chapel, above the portal

Cellar painting in Peace church in Schweidnitz (an Apocalyptic scene)

Coston altar Agnus dei
Altar at Coston church

Agnus Dei
Chancel ceiling painting of the Agnus Dei by Fanny Charlotte Goslin, in St John the Baptist, Widford.


Coronation of the Virgin (detail)
Tempera on panel
Musée du Louvre, Paris

Jan van Eyck (ca. 1390-1441) retable de l'Agneau mystique, Gand

Jan van Eyck painting "Ghent Altarpiece", finished 1432.


St. John the Baptist and St. Peter, from the Altarpiece of Pierre Rup, c.1450


BOSCH, Hieronymus
St John the Baptist in the Wilderness
Oil on panel, 48 x 40 cm
Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid

The Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John. 1523-1525. Bernardino Luini

Bernardino Luini The Christ Child and the Infant John the Baptist with a Lamb (1507 - 1532 )

CESARE da Sesto
Madonna and Child with the Lamb of God
c. 1515
Oil on panel, 37 x 30 cm
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Parliament of Paris Altarpiece, detail of St. Louis and St. John the Baptist
French School

St. John the Baptist and the Donor, Heinrich Von Werl from the Werl Altarpiece, 1438
Master of Flemalle

Werl Altarpiece: Donor and St John the Baptist
Rogier van der Weyden
about 1434-1438
Oil on panel, 101 x 47 cm
Madrid, Museo del Prado

Donor and St John the Baptist
Rogier van der Weyden
about 1434-1438


COSSA, Francesco del
Griffoni Polyptych: St John the Baptist
Oil on panel, 112 x 55 cm
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

Griffoni-Altar, ursprl. Griffonikapelle in der San Petronio in Bologna, rechter Flügel: Hl. Johannes der Täufer, Detail
Year 1473

Memling, Hans
Deutsch: Diptychon mit Johannes dem Täufer und der Hl. 1470


Isenheim Altarpiece, Mattias Gruenewald
Isenheimer Altar, 1512-1516

Mathis Gothart Grünewald: Isenheimer Altar, 1512-1516


Holy Family with the Lamb
Oil on panel, 29 x 21 cm
Madrid, Museo del Prado


ZURBARÁN, Francisco de
Agnus Dei
Oil on canvas, 38 x 62 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

---------------Поздние-Jesus as a lamb-Агнец------------

St John the Baptist
Oil on canvas, 150 x 90 cm
Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban



of the Angus Dei or Lamb of God. at St John's, Hills Road, Cambridge

Bishop Wilton, St Edith, sIV, Angel with viol & Agnus De

Scorborough, St Leonard, East Yorkshire, East Window, Head of Centre light, angel with palms and Agnus Dei

------------------Скульптура-Lamb of God-----------------------


amb of God (Agnus Dei); half-relief on the wall of the atrium of the St. Euphrasius basilica, Poreč, Croatia

Agnus Dei in Liverpool

Ecce Agnus Dei
Abbazia dei Santi Felice e Mauro in Valnerina


Kathedrale Saint-Fulcran in de:Lodève, Gitter mit Lamm Gottes

Nuestra Senyora de los Angeles in Sineu, Mallorca


Parish church in Sankt Oswald ob Eibiswald ( Styria ). High altar ( 1764 ): Tabernacle - Lamb of God.

Decorations on the Baroque pulpit. Holzen Abbey is a Benedictine abbey near the village of Allmannshofen in Bavaria, Germany

Lamb of God at Wallfahrtskirche Steinhausen in the village of Steinhausen near Bad Schussenried in Germany


Золотой реликварий
Reliquary of Charles the Bold
Gerard Loyet
Gold and enamel, 53 x 17.5 x 34 cm
Liege, Treasury of St Paul’s cathedral (?) / Saint Lambert et Notre Dame (?)

Apokalyptisches Lamm auf dem Buch mit sieben Siegeln, Johann Heinrich Rohr, um 1775

Fiński order Baranka Bożego, kolekcja Radeborn, Malmö

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