Итальянские торжества - свадьба Медичи. 1608.

Jun 21, 2010 13:42

Свадьба Козимо Медичи.Декорированные суда для битвы аргонавтов на реке Арно.1608.

Vessels of the Argonauts for the wedding celebration of Cosimo de' Medici in 1608
Prints made by Remigio Cantagallina
After Jacopo Ligozzi 1608 и After Giulio Parigi 1664

Декорированные суда для битвы аргонавтов на реке Арно.

Event Marriage of Cosimo de' Medici
Vessels of the Argonauts for the wedding celebration of Cosimo de' Medici in 1608

Asterione argon condot da Giove fulmina

Plate 1: the ship of Asterione. 1608

Castore e Poluce

Plate 2: the ship of Castor and Pollux. 1608

Capitana dell'armata di Colco fatta dalli Sig. Deputati

Plate 3: the ship of the army of Chalchis. 1608

Plate 5: the ship of Atalanta. 1608
Atalanta condot da Diana

Meleagro e Tideo condotti da Cupido
Plate 6: the ship of Meleager and Tideus. 1608

Plate 7: the ship of Cosimo de' Medici. 1608
Reale dell'armata degl'Argonauti dove era Giasone rappresentato dal Ser. Sposo
Lettered with title, and at br 'Battaglia navale rapp in Arno per le nozze del Ser. Principe di Toscana l'anno 1608 Giulio Parigi I', and at bl 'Remigio Canta Gallina F'

Plate 8: the ship of Peleus and Talamon. 1608

Plate 9: the ship of Glaucos. 1608
Barca di musici rapr. Glauco dio marino e tritoni

Plate 10: the ship of Hiclus and Naucleus. 1608
Hiclo e Naucleo argon. condotti nel carro di Nettuno

Plate 11: the ship of Calais and Zetes. 1608
Calai e Zeti condotti da Boreo et Oritia

Plate 13: the ship of Orpheus. 1608
Orfeo condotto da Bacco, barca del Sig Nicolo Berardi

Plate 13: the ship of Agamemnon and Menelaus. 1608

Anfione argon. condotto da Mercurio
Plate 14: the ship of Amphion. 1608

Plate 15: the ship of Idmon and Mopsus. 1608
Idmone e Mopso argon guidati da Apollo

Plate 19: the ship of Hercules. 1608
Hercole barca del Sig. Nicolo Cimenes

Vessels of the Argonauts for the wedding celebration of Cosimo de' Medici in 1608 / Eurito Echione e Etalide condotti da Mercurio
Print made by Remigio Cantagallina
After Jacopo Ligozzi
Plate 18: the ship of Euritus and two others. 1608
Lettered with title in three lines, and at br 'Battaglia navale rapp in Arno per le nozze del Ser. Princ di Tosc l'an 1608 Iacopo Ligosta I', and signed with Cantagallina's monogram at centre right

Vessels of the Argonauts for the wedding celebration of Cosimo de' Medici in 1608 / Idmone e Mopso argon guidati da Apollo

--------------------After Giulio Parigi 1664-------------------

Associated Event Marriage of Cosimo II dei Medici and Maria Madaglena of Austria

10-oared barge with multi-headed dragon prow and figure of Hercules seated on sterncastle. 1664
Etching and engraving

Calai e Zeti condotti da Borea et Oritia

Galley formed of and propelled by fantastic creatures, a tree in place of mast, figures of Calai and Zeti aft, and of Boreas and Oreithyia seated on sterncastle.

Reale dell armata di Argonuti con da Minerves

14-oared barge, with spinx figurehead, Argonauts amidships, and Jason on lower, Minerva on upper sterncastle. 1664

Anfione argon condotto da Mercurio

Agamennone et Menelao Argn condotti da Vulcano

Hiclo e Navcleo Argon condotti nel carro di Nettunno

Polifemo e Palemonio Argonauti condotti da Cerere

Peleo et Talamone Argonauti condotti da Tetide

Anfione argon condotto da Mercurio

8-oared shell-shaped barge with figure of Mercury on wing of dragon prow, and figure of Anfione seated on sterncastle. 1664

Capitana del armata de Colco

8-oared barge, soldiers with fire-arms in action before the mast, and captain standing on sterncastle. 1664

Barcha de Castor et Poluce

2-masted, 10-oared barge with figure-head horses, figures of castor and Pollux seated aft and Leda riding swan on sterncastle. 1664

Calai e Zeti condotti da Borea et Oritia

Galley formed of and propelled by fantastic creatures, a tree in place of mast, figures of Calai and Zeti aft, and of Boreas and Oreithyia seated on sterncastle. 1664

Peleo et Talamone Argonauti condotti da Tetide

Shell-shaped galley with bird-head at prow, a tree as mast, figures of Argonauts seated aft and Tetide seated on sterncastle. 1664

Agamennone et Menelao Argn condotti da Vulcano

Barge under sail, figures of Agamemnon and Menelaus seated aft and Vulcan seated on architectural structure on sterncastle. 1664

Hiclo e Navcleo Argon condotti nel carro di Nettunno

Chariot drawn by sea-horses, with mermen at the oars, Argonauts fore and aft, and figure of Neptune on sterncastle. 1664

Idmone ea Mopso Argonoti guidati da Apollo

Dragon-prowed barge, with figures of Argonauts seated aft and Apollo on chariot on sterncastle. 1664

Barcha di musici rapra Clauco dio marino e Tritone

Chariot drawn by sea-creatures, with musicians on board and figure of Clauco atop sterncastle. 1664

Asteriono Argonote condotti da Giove Fulmina

Chariot drawn by sea-horse, with thunderbolt as mast and figure of Jupiter on cloud atop sterncastle. 1664

Eurito Echione e Etalide Argonote

Figures of 3 Argonauts conveyed on acquatic peacock. 1664

Orfeo condotto da Bacco

Barge with Janus on forecastle, mast garlanded with flowers, figure of Orfeus with lyre seated aft and Bacchus astride wine-cask on sterncastle. 1664

Atalata condotti da Diana

Barge, with boar's head figurehead, and figures of Atalanta and Diana seated on sterncastle. 1664
Etching and engraving

Meleagro et Tideo Argonotes condotti da Cupido

Barge, with boar's head figurehead, and fArgonauts seated on sterncastle below figure of Cupid. 1664

10-oared barge with multi-headed dragon prow and figure of Hercules seated on sterncastle. 1664
Etching and engraving

Polifemo e Palemonio Argonauti condotti da Cerere

After Remigio Cantagallina
After Giulio Parigi
Vessel formed from volcanic eruption, with figure of Ceres at prow, and Argonauts aft and on sterncastle. 1664

=============Декорации к свадьбе======================

Seven Intermedi for the wedding of Cosimo de'Medici in 1608 / Astraea Intermedio Secondo

Plate 2: scene set on earthly and heavenly levels. 1608

Intermedio Quinto di Vulcano

Plate 5: scene in the Underworld. 1608

Nave di Amerigo Vespucci Intermedio Quarto

Plate 4: sailing vessel amid rocks with sea gods. 1608

Plate 7: landscape with the judgement of Paris. 1608

Seven Intermedi for the wedding of Cosimo de'Medici in 1608 / Palazzo della fama Intermedio Primo

Seven Intermedi for the wedding of Cosimo de'Medici in 1608 / Tenpio della Pace Intermedio Sesto

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