Heinrich Aldegrever(1501-1555-61)Свадебные танцы.

Jun 17, 2010 13:24

Heinrich Aldegrever(1501-1555-61)Свадебные танцы.

Я уже выкладывала его гротескные орнаменты и мечи, а это две серии гравюр- "большие" и "малые" свадебные танцы.

-------------------Свадебные танцы-------------

===================The Wedding Dancers===================

--------------The Large Wedding Dancers----------------

Plate 1: The master of ceremonies; walking to left, the head in profile to right; a dog behind him; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 2: The torch bearers; both figures looking to left; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 3: A dancing couple; stepping to left; the female figure at left wearing a hairnet; the male figure bearded and wearing a cap; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 4: A dancing couple; in profile to left; the female figure at left wearing a crown; the male figure wearing a beret; from a series of twelve engravings; upper right corner made up. 1538

Plate 5: A dancing couple; stepping to left; the female figure at left in profile and wearing a hat; the male figure in frontal view, the head turned to left, bearded and wearing a feathered hat; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 6: A couple embracing; the male figure seen from behind; the female figure looking over his left shoulder; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 7: A dancing couple; the male figure at right in profile to left, with a short beard and feathered hat; the female figure at left in frontal view, the head in profile to right, wearing a hairnet; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 8: A dancing couple embracing; the female figure in profile to left; her face placed against that of the male figure at left; his left arm on her left shoulder; his right hand holding her left; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 9: A dancing couple; the female figure at left in profile; wearing a feathered headdress with veil; the male figure in frontal view, the torso turned to left, wearing a beret; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 10: A dancing couple; the female figure at left in profile; wearing a hairnet; the male figure without beard and wearing a small cap; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 11: A dancing couple; the female figure at left in profile; wearing a hairnet; the male figure without beard and wearing a beret, his left arm akimbo; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

Plate 12: Three musicians playing trombones; from a series of twelve engravings. 1538

A couple embracing; loosely based on Aldegrever (NH e.167); the woman at r; from a series of 12 engravings;

--------------The Small Wedding Dancers-1538-1551---------

А вот что происходило с теми, кому нельзя было жениться: монахам и монахиням-

Монах и монахиня, застигнутые в лесу неподалеку от монастыря.
The Monk and the Nun; being surprised by a man with a dagger as they are lying together on the forest floor, in the background a large tree to the centre and left, leaving a view of a distant monastery on the right. Weak impression. 1530


Heinrich Aldegrever (After); Portrait of Heinrich Aldegrever aged thirty-five


Heinrich Aldegrever. Гротескные орнаменты-HERE-ТУТ

