Физиогномика и метаморфозы Charles Henry Bennett- сатира на учение Дарвина.
Giambattista della Porta 1586
C. Bennett, 1863.
Сатирические картинки по поводу теории эволюции Дарвина:
Эволюция свиньи в быка через человека, а книги- в жаровню.
The evolution of a pig into a bull into an imposing man, and a book into an oven dish; satirising Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
Писатель превращается в лису на гусе,предметы- тоже меняют свое назначение.
The evolution of a fox riding a goose into a writer seated at his typewriter (or a pianist?) - which in turn evolves into accordian, bellows, money-bag, and handcuffs; satirising Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
The evolution of a dog and bone into a butler bearing a silver serving-dish; satirising Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
Кошка превращается в женщину, человек в клетке- в кринолин, скамеечка для ног- в собаку.
The evolution of a cat into an old woman, and her stool into a dog into a man in a cage into her skirt; satirising Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
обезьянка превращается в мальчика, а шарик- в клетку.
The evolution of a monkey into a boy and a balloon into a cage for a parrot; satirising Darwin's theories. Wood engraving after C. Bennett, 1863.
The evolution of a barrel and goose into a donkey into a man wearing tails; satirising Darwin's theories.
Куски свинины- в свинью и человека.
The evolution of pieces of pork into a pig into a man seated at his dinner table, his plate and cutlery evolved from a skull and crossbones; satirising Darwin's theories.
Эволюции летучих мышей в волан, овец в молодого человека, и его шляпы в ребенка и зонтик
The evolution of a shuttlecock and bats into a sheep into a timid young man, and his hat into a baby into his umbrella; satirising Darwin's theories.
прикованный медведь превращается в бандита с часами.
The evolution of a muzzled bear chained to a post into a thug with a watch and garrotte stick; satirising Darwin's theories
Эту серию многие знают:
========De humana physiognomonia====================
============Giambattista della Porta 1586====
-------Le Système de Lebrun sur la Physionomie 1806 --------
Физиогномика- статья:
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0 http://images.wellcome.ac.uk/http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/historicalanatomies/porta_home.htmlhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/odisea2008/sets/72157621932396531/