Старинные музыкальные автоматоны, пианолы и органы.

May 14, 2010 17:03

Старинные музыкальные автоматоны, пианолы и органы.

Здесь очень редкие музыкальные автоматы и часы из музеев и антикварных сайтов, есть даже музыкальная приставка к ножной швейной машинке.

-------------Музыкальные часы-автоматоны-----------------------

Reloj con autómatas y campanas 1480- Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Reloj de mesa fabricado por Gerrit Knip & Son 1783- Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Reloj fabricado por J. Tasma en 1806 -Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

----------------------Часы- органы----------------------

Mechanical organ automaton at German Clock Museum.

: A Black Forest organ clock with automata

-------------Музыкальные шкатулки и шкафы-----------------


Музыкальная шкатулка
Caja de música 1870-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Музыкальная приставка к швейной машинке!!!

Dulciphone Organette
Musical Sewing Machine Cover
by Leslie Hoffman

Organillo de feria construido por Winkel en 1810-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

--"Tuning North Tonawanda Band Organ", Alan Erb wrote: "A set of brass has some half-length resonators, and it is imperative to get correct resonators assigned to their proper note and octave."

French Cylinder Organ
in the collection of
Thomas County Museum of History
Thomasville, Georgia 31792, USA


Endless Music Strip In Coin Piano

Piano, Pianola


Hupfeld Model A Phonoliszt Violina in Oak

Hupfeld Phonoliszt Violina

====================Violano Virtuoso========================

Bowfront Mills Violano Virtuoso in Oak


[Classic Seeburg H "Solo" Orchestrion]
Most date from the pre-prohibition era and were used in grand saloons. They were the top-of-the-line Seeburg Orchestrion. This is a fine example! It is reasonably priced. Lets discuss it further in telephone call.

[Beautiful Peerless Wisteria Orchestrion]
This restored Wisteria played for years at the famous Svoboda's Tavern in Chicago Heights.


Wurlitzer Late Style

This fine Limonaire Band Organ is a great sounding example of one of France's finest makers

[Late Style Wurlitzer 146 A Band Organ]

Keyless Style 78 Wilhelm Bruder Band Organ

From the Black Forest city of Waldkirch comes this fine beautiful band organ



Calliope at New York Museum of Transportation
by Craig Smith



Organillo musical fabricado por Ernest de Mascio en 1910-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

organillo de calle 1965 fabricado por G. Perlee- Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Organillo fabricado por Gasparini en 1905-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement


Ken Smith 89 Keyless Black Forest Gavioli Fair Organ
This is one of the finest fair organs in America! This organ comes with a mammoth library of about 2,500 meters of book music. It is a dream to listen to! From its carved facade to is superbly crafted keyframe this organ is an absolute gem.

A. Ruth & Sohn Style 35 B Band Organ

Outstanding Ken Smith 63 Keyless Ruth Fair Organ
One could spend hours studying the intimate details of this fantastic band organ! Every part is built with the highest machinist micrometer precision! AND it comes with a large library of 1,700 meters of book music

Fantastic Wilhelm Bruder Band Organ

With a HUGE library of 17 boxes of book music, this band organ will give hours of enjoyment! It is filled with pipes.

Organillo fabricado por Richter 1914-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Hans-Heinrich Wrede 1910-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

organillo callejero fabricado por Gasparini 1910-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Organo Mortier para danza y baile realizado entre 1913 y 1931-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Mortier Concert Organ


Organillo fabricado por Gavioli 1900-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

Organillo fabricado por Mortier 1927-Copyright Nationaal Museum van Speelklok tot Pierement

А ТУТ можно послушать, как они звучат.
Там даже автомат для "Титаника" есть, который не успели на корабль поставить.

Эту ссылку прислала
viparasolka - спасибо ей большое!


barrel organ- шарманка
про них в следующем посте.

Старинные автоматоны-HERE
Старинные музыкальные автоматы-HERE

Старинные органы-HERE


