Адам и Ева. Сотворение мира и грехопадение. Графика.

May 14, 2010 14:43

Адам и Ева. Сотворение мира и грехопадение. Графика.

-------------Сотворение мира - хроника-----------------------

На тему сотворения мира картинок немного, нашлись два интересных старинных цикла гравюр:

Genesis cuarto dia-De Aetatibus Mundi Imagines



--------------------Адам и Ева. Графика---------------------
------------Nuremberg Chronicles------------

Очень забавные картинки, по линку их много- вся библейская история.

Adam and Eve 1493
Nuremberg Chronicles

Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

Полностью серия:

=======================Сад Эдема=====================


Surrounded by animals in the Garden of Eden, Eve ascends from Adam's side. Line engraving by J. Haeyler.
after: J. Haeyler

The animals look on as the angel expels Adam and Eve from paradise. Engraving by C.J. Visscher.
By: Tommaso di Giovanni di Simone Guidi Masaccio after: Claes Jansz Visscher
Masaccio, 1401-1428?
Visscher, Claes Jansz, 1550-1612.


Print made by Master ES
The fall of man; to the left stand Adam and Eve, to the right stands God the Father

Print made by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Print made by Hans Baldung (biographical details | all objects)

Print made by Hans Baldung
1514 (circa)

Print made by Monogrammist IS & shovel
Formerly attributed to Hans Schäufelein

----------------------Lucas van Leyden---------------------

Print made by Lucas van Leyden
The Fall of Man; Adam sits to the right with hands extended toward Eve at left on the other side of a central tree; Eve hands a piece of fruit to Adam with his right hand while above in the tree the serpent looks on.

Print made by Lucas van Leyden
The Fall of Man

After Lucas van Leyden
The Fall of Mankind

Print made by Lucas van Leyden
1514 (circa)

Lucas van Leyden
The Fall of Man; Eve sits on ground below tree to the right; above her the serpent winds around the tree trunk with a piece of fruit in its mouth; Eve holds up the fruit in her right hand, which Adam, standing to the left, reaches over to accept with his right hand. 1529

Lucas van Leyden

Lucas van Leyden
The Fall of Man

----------------------Albrecht Dürer------------

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Monogrammist RB
The fall of mankind;

After Albrecht Dürer
Copy of a woodcut from the series Small Passion of c.1510, showing the Fall of Man


Print made by Hans Brosamer

After Barthel Beham
Print made by Sebald Beham
Adam and Eve

After Amico Aspertini
Cain holding a mirror watching his sacrifice in flames with Adam and Eve seated nearby; in the background an angel expelling them from Paradise. c.1530/50

After Sebald Beham

After Sebald Beham

After Amico Aspertini
1530-1560 (c)
Schools /Styles
Italian (all objects)

After Maarten van Heemskerck
The expulsion from Paradise; Adam and Eve flee from an angel with a fiery sword; after Heemskerck. 1548

Matthias Greuter
Allegory on the Fall and Redemption of Mankind

Allegory of the Fall of Man

Print made by Carl Heinrich Wenng

=============The Story of the First Men. 1583===============
------------------Jan Sadeler I -----------------------------
Intermediary draughtsman Marten de Vos

Plate 2: Adam and Eve in Paradise. Woody landscape with the couple embracing at right, God standing at centre and pointing at an apple tree, the couple again resting at the foot of a tree beyond, several animals in foreground and background (e.g. lioness, lion, fox, stag and camel); first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 3: Adam and Eve hiding from the Lord. Woody landscape with the couple running away at left, God reaching out for them at right, the couple again holding an apple beyond, several animals in foreground and background

Plate 4: Adam at work after the fall. Woody landscape with Adam ploughing land with a jawbone, Eve sitting in a makeshift hut with a thatched roof at left, looking after the youthful Cain and Abel, with several animals and two children, other animals (e.g. unicorn, cow, camel, lion and elephant) in background at right; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 5: Cain tilling the ground, Abel as shepherd. Landscape with Cain ploughing a field in foreground at right, Abel herding a flock of sheep at left, a shed with Adam and Eve in background at right, other animals (e.g. cows, camel and horse) in background at left; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 6: The sacrifices of Cain and Abel. Landscape with Cain offering harvested vegetables and frui in foreground at left, Abel sacrificing a lamb on a pyre at centre, several sheep at right, a shed with Adam and Eve in background at right, Cain slaying Abel with a jawbone beyond, God in top centre; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 7: Cain, his wife and son Enoch.

Plate 8: Cain building the city Enoch. Landscape with Cain giving instructions to builders in foreground, a house in construction at left, builders engaged in several activities (cutting stones, masonning, carrying stones) at centre, other houses at right, a wide landscape with mountains in background; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 9: Lamech and his two wifes. Landscape with Lamech at centre, talking to his two wives Adah and Zillah seated in front of a farm-house at left, two children playing music at far left, two other children in foreground, Lamech again beyond standing next to a dead man, a wide landscape with mountains in background; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 10: Jabal and his family resting with their cattle. Landscape with the shepherd dining with his family under a tent at right, a herd of cows at left, flocks of sheep and camels in background, a wide landscape with mountains in background; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 11: Jubal and his musical instruments. Landscape with Jubal seated at a table in front of an instrument workshop at left, several other figures building instruments, a procession of dancing couples in background at right, buildings in background; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

Plate 12: Tubalcain in his forge. Landscape with Tubalcain forging a weapon under a shed at centre, tending a fire that burns with the aid of two bellows, his sister Naamah spinning yarn at right, a river with a small water-wheel at right and in the distance tethered logs float down the river, wide landscape with mountains in background; first state before numbers; after Maarten de Vos. 1583

======================19 век=================================

-----------------Temptation and Fall---------------

BLAKE, William
Satan Watching the Caresses of Adam and Eve
Pen and watercolor on paper, 505 x 380 mm
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Temptation and Fall
William Blake 1808

Mark Harden's Artchive Blake, William
The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve
c. 1825
Watercolor on wood

William Blake 1825 - библейские сюжеты
Полностью здесь:
Еще библейские сюжеты- графика 19 века:

Живопись в следующем посте.

Рай и Ад, сотворение мира, сад Эдема-HERE

Devil and Hell-HERE. Дьявол,Ад,нечисть,ведьмы-ТУТ

