Abraham Bosse ( 1604 - 1676). Графика.

May 04, 2010 18:22

Abraham Bosse-( 1604 - 1676).

Меланхолия. 1634-1650

Жена бьет мужа в присутствии любовника,дочка бьет брата, а курица- клюет петуха.

У него очень много гравюр о жизни и быте, от профессий до сцен семейной жизни, интересных аллегорий и мифологических сюжетов.
Тому, кто любит "мушкетерскую" эпоху и эпоху Людовика 14, будет интересно.

--------------Abraham Bosse ( 1604 - 1676)-----------------
----Французский художник, гравер, писатель и поэт.------------

Interior with woman standing near a mirror, a fan in her left hand; another mirror hangs from her belt. 1633 (?)

Half-length portrait of a man wearing a hat with feathers and a rich costume with lace collar; a page at his side. c.1635/40

Тацующая крестьянка
A young peasant woman, dancing

Хранение одежды
A woman standing, dressed in black, pointing to the linen chest in which she is about to put a richly embroidered dress

A shepherd walking, holding his crook.

two royal guards, one of them wearing an armour, standing in a loggia, with the royal coat of arms in the upper part; ornate frame. 1632

Copy after Bosse:
side view of a long-bearded nobleman wearing a hat with feathers and a rich costume, and walking up a step. 1629/35

Copy after Bosse: side view of a long-bearded nobleman wearing a hat with feathers and a rich costume, and walking up a step. 1629/35

Copy after Bosse: side view of a nobleman going down a step, holding a glove, wearing a hat and a rich costume with fur trimmed mantel; large building and a couple walking in the background. 1629/35

Copy after Bosse: frontal view of a nobleman wearing a hat, a rich costume and a sword at his side; large square and people walking in the background. 1629/35

Copy after Bosse representing a nobleman seen from behind,

Copy after Bosse representing a nobleman walking while pulling a sword out, wearing a hat with feathers and a rich costume with fur trimmed mantle; castle in the background. 1629/35

German copy of a print by Bosse: the wise virgins talking and reading around a table on which an open book stands against a crucifix, with the five oil-lamps on a chair; tapestries and religious paintings representing the Resurrection, Moses and the Nativity on the wall. 1635/45 (?)

La Galerie du Palais
The shopping arcade at the Palais de Justice in Paris, with customers looking at fans, gloves, lace collars and books, a woman showing Tristan l'Hermite's 'La Marianne' to a customer, and a box inscribed with 'Eventails de Bosse'; ornate frame. c.1637/40

Лавка гравюр
A printmaker shop, with an engraver using the burin on the right, an etcher on the left, two monks and a man looking at various prints in the background. 1643

The workshop of a printer; worker inking the plate on the left another wiping a plate, the third printing it on a rolling press. 1642

La Bénédiction de la table (The table blessing)

Ten women at a table, eating while their husbands are away, in a room with tapestries on the wall, canopy bed and carved fireplace; ornate frame; copy after Abraham Bosse. 1635/50 (?)

People attending a dance, a couple dancing while the others are sitting and talking in a room with tapestries and richly decorated fireplace; ornate frame. c.1634

Masked actors performing on the theatre scene at the Hotel de Bourgogne in Paris, with Turlupin robbing Gaultier-Garguille who is leaning on a walking cane, Gros-Guillaume courting a woman, a Frenchman on the left, and a Spaniard on the right. c.1633/34

====================Семейная жизнь=====================

============Le Mariage à la campagne=================

Le Mariage à la campagne
Plate 1: the bride sitting at a table and receiving cloth, a milk jar, a copper cauldron as wedding presents; ornate frame. c.1633

Plate 2: village dance, with musicians on the left and a church in the background; ornate frame. c.1633

Le Mariage à la campagne
Plate 3: two young men carrying a cauldron, another pouring wine in a goblet, the fourth sweeping; ornate frame. c.1633

------------------Le Mariage à la ville---------------

Подписание брачного контракта

Plate 1: comfortable interior, a groom and a bride sitting on the right, their family on the left sitting at a table with a notable drafting the marriage contract; ornate frame. 1633

Первая брачная ночь- сцена в спальне
Plate 2: night scene in the bedroom, with canopy bed, carved door and tapestries on the walls; women helping the bride to undress while the groom is sending his companions away. 1633

Рожденте ребенка
Plate 3: the bride is giving birth to a child in the presence of the midwife, her husband and other women, in an interior with tapestries on walls, a sculpted fireplace and a canopy bed in the background; ornate frame. 1633

Plate 4: women returning from the baptism, carrying the child back to the bride lying in a canopy bed, in a room with tapestries on the walls; ornate frame. 1633

Plate 5: the bride lying in a canopy bed, talking with women while two children are playing on the floor and a man is spying on them; room with tapestries on the walls and carved fireplace; ornate frame. 1633

Plate 6: women by the fireplace, with the wet nurse wrapping up the child, in a room with canopy bed, sideboard, tapestries on the walls and fireplace carved with fruits and heads; ornate frame. 1633


Жена бьет мужа в присутствии любовника,дочка бьет брата, а курица- клюет петуха.
The wife beating her husband; a woman beating a kneeling man with a bunch of keys, while her lover is watching from the canopy bed, the daughter is beating her brother and a hen is plucking a rooster; ornate frame. 1633 (?)

Муж бьет жену
The husband beating his wife; ruffled-haired woman kneeling with her two children, imploring her husband who is standing in front of her, a cudgel in his hand; ornate frame. 1633 (?)

--------------Les Métiers (Trades)--------

The barber: in an interior decorated with tapestries, paintings and with a bed, a barber is curling a customer's moustache, while his assistant is heating the curling tongs; ornate frame. c.1632/35

The confectioner: behind a table laden with pastries, two workers kneading and rolling the pastry and confectioner putting a pastry in the oven, while his wife is selling a cake to a woman and her baby; ornate frame. c.1632/35

The cobbler; the cobbler and his wife behind a counter, three workers in a workshop with shoes and boots hanging above, surrounded by ornate frame. c.1632/35

The shoemaker: a woman sitting on a couch, trying on shoes, and a couple talking in a room decorated with tapestries and portraits; ornate frame. c.1632/35

The prosecutor office: a woman complaining to the prosecutor, two men waiting, another woman entering the office, bags hung on the walls; ornate frame. 1635/50 (?)


Les Métiers (Trades)
The bleeding: in a comfortable interior with tapestries and paintings on the walls, a surgeon and his assistant are about to bleed a woman. c.1632/35

Картинка с обратной стороны

Les Métiers (Trades)
The clyster: in a comfortable interior with tapestries and paintings on the walls, an apothecary holding a syringe is walking towards his patient lying in bed, while a servant is holding him back and another is bringing a commode; ornate frame. c.1632/35

L'Infirmerie de l'hospital de la Charité de Paris
A large hospital room, with high windows and individual beds on each side, and monks and women in the middle taking food on a table to give it to the sick. c.1635/39

--------------------Художники --------------
============Différentes manières de dessiner et peindre==============

Différentes manières de dessiner et peindre (Different ways to draw and paint)
A draughtsman doing the portrait of a nobleman, using a grid. 1667

An artist painting a Virgin and Child. 1667 (?)

A man sitting, copying a portrait of Christ. 1667

A painter in his studio grinding his colours, the painting of a landscape beside him. 1667 (?)

Reversed and partial copy after a plate etched by Abraham Bosse in 1642, representing a sculptor in his studio, standing beside a statue of Venus and Cupid. 1642/52

In a studio with paintings and portraits on the wall, a painter with his sitter and a boy presenting a print; ornate frame with coat of arms in the upper part. c.1642

A sculptor in his studio, showing a statue of Venus and Cupid to three visitors; statues on the shelves in the background. 1642


Le Maistre d'escole
A classroom with boys studying, girls playing and teacher holding a birch and listening to a pupil reciting his lesson. c.1635/38

A classroom with an old schoolmistress teaching how to read to little girls. 1635 (?)

=================The Four Ages of Man==================

---------------Четыре возраста----------------------

Les Quatre âges de l'homme (The Four Ages of Man)
Plate 1: childhood; children playing different games, and a cradle on the left ornate frame. 1636

n a circular frame, four scenes representing the four ages of man, each framed and surmounted by a cartouche. 1645 (?)

Plate 2: youth; a young man courting a young woman near a fountain, with Cupid beside him; formal french garden in the background; ornate frame. 1636

Plate 3: maturity; a family sitting at a table and having lunch in a comfortable interior, with a canopy bed and tapestried on the wall; ornate frame. 1636

Plate 4: the old age; a servant and an old couple sitting by a fireplace decorated with an allegory of Death, in a room with tapestries on the walls; ornate frame. 1636


The Committee; or Popery in Masquerade


David standing, brandishing his sling, with Goliath's head and a large sword at his feet; poem refering to and supporting the Fronde at the bottom. 1651

=================История блудного сына===========================

L'istoire de l'enfant prodigue (The Prodigal Son)

Plate 1: the prodigal son saying his farewells to his family, while a servant is carrying a chest and another is bringing him a horse; ornate frame. c.1636

Plate 2: the prodigal son sitting at a table, surrounded by women while a child is robbing him; ornate frame

Plate 3: the prodigal son dressed in rags, guarding the pigs and praying; ornate frame

Plate 4: the prodigal son, kneeling and being welcomed by his father; ornate frame

Plate 5: the prodigal son getting dressed in rich clothes while the fatted calf is being killed outside; ornate frame

Plate 6: feast in honour of the return of the prodigal son; ornate frame

Радость Франции- аллегория на рождение Людовика 14.
La Joye de la France
Allegory on the birth of Louis XIV: personification of France sitting on a throne with the infant Louis XIV on her knees, under a canopy decorated with the Dauphin's coat of arms; princes on the left and princesses on the right; palatial architecture in the background. 1638

==========Les Quatre saisons (The Four Seasons)==============
---------------------Четыре сезона----------------------

/ Le Printemps
Plate 1, Spring: a man courting a woman, with Cupid at their feet kneeling beside a flower basket, and a formal garden in the background; cartouche framed with flowers, and ornate frame. c.1635/37

Plate 2, Summer: two couples under a portico, with servants carrying musical instruments; cartouche framed with ears and wild flowers, and ornate frame. c.1635/37

Autumn: under the vine arbour, two men fighting on the left a man with a sword knocking a table over while two women are trying to hold him back, and a young man breaking a stake on the right; cartouche framed with grapes and wine bottle, and ornate frame. c.1635/37

Plate 4, Winter: women preparing doughnuts for Mardis-Gras near a carved fireplace and a woman looking at her reflection in a mirror, in a room with large table, tapestries and canopy bed; cartouche surrounded by putti heads blowing, and ornate frame. c.1635/37

Air; in a classical loggia, a man sitting and a woman feeding a parrot in a cage on the left Cupid keeping a bird on leash on the right, a statue of Ganymede and the eagle in a niche, and riders hawking in the background; ornate frame with cartouche surrounded by putti heads blowing

===========Les Quatre éléments (The Four Elements)================

A man personifying Water, filling up a goblet, with a fleet sailing on the ocean in the background. 1630 (?)

A man personifying Fire, holding a rocket, with fireworks in the background. 1630 (?)

A woman personifying Earth standing beside a fruit basket, with a stag hunt in the background. 1630 (?)

A woman personifying Air, a bird on her hand, with people hawking in the background. 1630 (?)

A seated female figure holding a sundial with the word 'gnomonique' written on it; at r, a sundial set upon a pedestal; frontispiece to Bosse's 'La Manière Universelle de M. Desargues, Lyonnais, pour poser l'essieu et placer les heures et autres choses aux cadrans au soleil' (Paris: Pierre Deshayes, 1643). 1643

Print made by Abraham Bosse
Man seated on a chair in melancholy mood, leaning on a table, his head upon his hand; on the cushion supporting his elbow is a monkey in an attitude of sadness; the man's ample cloak is lined with a multitude of women's heads referring to former relationships.


Feeding the hungry; a woman giving bread to the poor, with a noble couple watching them on the right and an Italian garden in the background. 1635 (?)
Les Oeuvres de miséricorde (Acts of Mercy) / Donner à manger à ceux qui ont fain
7 актов милосердия полностью в посте на эту тему.

Еще посты на эту тему:

Профессии и занятия-HERE-ТУТ
Развлечения, игры, досуг и привычки-HERE-ТУТ

Abraham Bosse

