Albrecht Dürer. Часть 3. Лошади, всадники, собаки.

Mar 24, 2010 15:35

Albrecht Dürer.Лошади, всадники, собаки.

Известные и малоизвестные гравюры и рисунки.

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The Small Horse; a horse depicted in profile, with a soldier behind, underneath a stone arch. 1505

Reversed copy of an engraving of 1505, showing a horse depicted in profile, with a soldier behind, underneath a stone arch. 1505-1550

The Large Horse; a foreshortened horse shown from behind, with its rear legs raised on a step, held by a soldier. 1505

Print made by Franz Isaac Brun
After Albrecht Dürer

The small horse; reverse copy after Albrecht Dürer (Hollstein 93), the horse in profile to right, in front of square door frame.

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Hans Ladenspelder
The small horse; reverse copy after Dürer; the horse in profile to left, a knight behind it; different background, the arch replaced with landscape with a fortification on a hill.

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Hans Ladenspelder
Copy of an engraving of 1505, showing a horse depicted in profile, with a soldier behind, in the background a hilly landscape with a castle. c.1520-1560


After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Giovanni Antonio da Brescia

The great horse; a reversed and enlarged copy of the horse (only) in the engraving by Dürer

Copy of an engraving of 1505, showing a large horse taking up almost the whole print area, severely foreshortened and shown from behind, held by a soldier. 1505-1550

The Large Horse; a foreshortened horse shown from behind, with his rear legs raised on a step, held by a soldier. 1505

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Johannes Wierix
A horse, seen in foreshortening, facing right, with a a groom, wearing a fancy casket, seen beside him; ruins seen in the background; after Dürer, 1564.

Copy of an engraving of 1513, showing a knight riding his horse to the left; figures of Death, on a horse and holding an hour glass, and the Devil behind. 1513-1550

Knight, Death and the Devil; a knight riding his horse to the left; figures of Death, on a horse and holding an hour glass, and the Devil behind. 1513

After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Monogrammist HR


A lady on horseback, riding side-saddle, her hat dressed with a long feather, with a landsquenet standing next to the horse. c.1497

Reversed copy of an engraving of c.1497, showing a lady on horseback, riding side-saddle, her hat dressed with a long feather, with a landsquenet standing next to the horse. c.1497-1550


St Eustace, kneeling in a landscape, facing his horse and the stag which has a crucifix between its antlers, with a group of five hunting dogs in the foreground. c.1501

Woodcut of series of twenty-one historical subjects; in the foreground Maximilian I clasping the hand of Henry VIII, both mounted on horses and attended by armed escorts, in the middleground Maximilian is riding at the head of an infantry force, and French cavalry, in the background the town of Terouanne in flames, above is a scroll with seven lines letterpress. 1515
Woodcut and letterpress

---------------------Поединки ------------------

A tournament with Freydal behind a barrier, in front of it his opponent Jacob de Heri, fallen with his horse. c.1516

A tournament with Freydal on the left keeping his seat, while his opponent, Niclas von Firmian, falls headlong from his horse. c.1516


Print made by Lucas Cranach the Elder
Formerly attributed to Albrecht Dürer
A tournament ("Anzogen-Rennen"); two knights jousting, falling off their horses and loosing their lances, one of which has splintered. c. 1516-17


A tournament with Freydal on the left keeping his seat, while his opponent, Niclas von Firmian, falls headlong from his horse. c.1516

After Albrecht Dürer (attributed to)
Print made by Alois Petrak

The great courier, with a man on a racing horse turning backwards as he rides; a copy of a print thought to be by Dürer. c.1840s


Man on horseback; riding in profile to right, wearing a tunic and cap or helmet with feathers, holding a scroll or stick in his right hand. 1490-94
Pen and brown ink

Death riding; crowned and seen in profile to right, astride a skeletal horse, holding a sickle. 1505

Studies of fighting equipment: siege hook, swimming-belt and a horseman wielding a morgenstern (morning star), riding a horse wearing spiked armour; verso: two horsemen fighting with lances, and a swimming-belt for a horse with a study of its stopper.
Pen and brown ink

Albrecht Durer’s portrait of a man-at-arms showing the type of horse the average man could afford. This is a true representation of a horse used for war. Graphische Sammlung Albertina from the Mathes Collection.

Light horsemen fighting; at left a horse charging, its rider with raised sword and seen from behind, at right a wounded horse and rider, a third stationary in the mid-distance at centre. 1489
Pen and black ink

==============Triumphal Car of Maximilian I===========

Copy of a woodcut of 1522, showing the Great Triumphal Car; in a chariot Emperor Maximilian, wearing the imperial robes and the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, accompanied by numerous allegorical figures; Victoria kneels behind him holding a laurel wreath over his head, the cardinal virtues standing on pedestals at the four corners of the car, the car is pulled by six pairs of horses and driven by Ratio; with inscriptions next to the figures. 1606

First edition of the Great Triumphal Car, in a chariot Emperor Maximilian, wearing the imperial robes and the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, accompanied by numerous allegorical figures; Victoria kneels behind him holding a laurel wreath over his head, the cardinal virtues standing on pedestals at the four corners of the car, the car is pulled by six pairs of horses and driven by Ratio; with inscriptions next to the figures and six columns of German text in letterpress over the pairs of horses; the eight sheets bear signatures in the left lower corners. 1522
Woodcut and letterpress

Print made by Johann Theodor de Bry
After Albrecht Dürer
Two plates, each with three pairs of horses, accompanied by dancing female allegorical figures holding laurel wreaths, including 'Velocitas' and 'Virilitas'; copy of Dürer's woodcut of 1522, showing the Great Triumphal Car of Maximilian I

Братья de Bry.
Copy of Dürer's woodcut of 1522, of the Great Triumphal Car (Bartsch 139); in a chariot Emperor Maximilian,

==========School of/style of Albrecht Dürer ==========

St Martin, sitting on a horse, deviding his cloak with a sword, on the right a beggar sitting reaching with his right hand towards the cloak, in the background a castle. c.1520-30

A Turk riding on a horse from left to right, holding a banner with crescent and star. c.1531


After Albrecht Dürer
Print made by Ferdinand Wolfgang Flachenecker
1810-1839 (c)
Franz von Sickingen in armour; whole-length leaning on a lance; horse in the background; after Dürers Paumgartner altarpiece (before the restoration of 1902/3). c.1810-39
Lithograph on chine collé


Free, reversed copy of details from the engraving of St Eutace of c.1501, showing a group of five hunting dogs, in the background a castle and a house. 1501-1550

Landscape with the Virgin and child seated at centre, several animals in foreground (e.g. dog, beetle, slug, butterfly, dragonfly, fox on a leash, frog, owl in tree trunk, spider crab), an angel addressing a group of shepherds in background at right, a bay with a city in background at left; first state before engraved privilege; after Albrecht Dürer

St Jerome in his Study; St Jerome seated writing at a sunlit desk, with a lion and a dog in the foreground. 1514

Reversed copy of an engraving of 1503, showing the Virgin and Child seated on a grass bench, in the background hills and a castle, in the foreground a dog an two hares. 1600-1650

Melancholia; a winged woman representing Melancholy wearing a wreath seated amongst numerous objects, including a bell, an hourglass, scales, and a magic square; a putto seated on a grindstone, next to a sleeping dog; in the background a flying bat, carrying a banner with the inscription 'Melencolia I'; in the foreground, carpenter tools and a sphere; after Dürer.

One of the series of 20 woodcuts, without text; Visitation, with the Virgin and St Elizabeth embracing each other in the centre, on the left Zacharias observing them from the doorway, holding his hat in the hands, a dog in left foreground; mountainous background. c.1503-4

The brazen serpent; landscape with figures standing beneath a tau-shaped pole bearing the entwined snake, two dogs at the base, trees behind. 1512
Pen and black ink

One of a series of twelve woodcuts; Christ is standing in the centre, tied to a column and being tortured by various people; in the foreground is a dog. c.1497-1500

After Albrecht Dürer
Made by Georg Schweigger
Panel; honestone; carved in high relief; Naming of St John the Baptist

The cook and his wife; after Dürer; whole-length figures standing in a landscape; the male figure at right holding a pan; a dog leaping to right in foreground.

Three peasants in conversation; reverse copy after Dürer (Meder 87); figure on left carrying a basket with eggs, figure on right holding a sword, a dog on r; top right corner made up.

Albrecht Dürer (Drawn by); Studies of three caricature heads, drapery and a dog.

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