Johann Elias Ridinger-1740. Звери и басни.

Jan 09, 2010 12:03

Johann Elias Ridinger-1740. Звери в жизни и в баснях.

Поучительные басни из царства животных и другие звери.
Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere
Print made by Johann Elias Ridinger -1740
Painter, etcher and publisher of prints and drawings. Born Ulm 1698, died Augsburg 1767.

-----------------------Поучительные басни из царства животных---------------------------

Drunk animals behaving carelessly and coming close to a bear; plate four of the series. c.1740
Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Trunkenheit führt zu Thorheit (Alcohol preserves anything but dignity)

Two wolves preventing a large owl from attacking a smaller bird. c.1740s

1740s (c)

Animals being killed by a large elephant; plate seven of the series. c.1740s

A hooded hunting hawk seated on a branch surrounded by onlooking birds; a hunter is hiding in the bushes below; plate eleven of the series. c.1740s

A ram fighting a monkey; audience of mammals watching the fight in the background; plate nine of the series. c.1740s
Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Der Bart macht nicht den Mann (Don't judge a book by its cover)

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Hochmuth kommt vor dem Fall (Pride will have a fall)
The arrogant peacock beaing attacked by a cat whilst other birds, seated on a branch in the background are watching the scene; plate eight of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Vorschnell gefreyt, hat manchen gereut (Marry in haste, repent in leisure)
A magpie and her 'husband', a large owl, sitting on a branch, to right, two other birds are mocking the magpie's stupidity of marrying a night-active bird; plate six of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Schuster bleib bei Deinen Leisten (Do what you do best)
An ostrich before a council of mammals; the latter are refusing his application as he - despite being able to run fast and unable to fly- is still percieved to be more bird than mammal; plate five of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Eile mit Weile (Slow and steady wins the race)
A lion enthroned, as king of the animal kingdom; surrounded by his 'entourage' consisting of tigers, leopards and wolves; bunny in the foreground; plate two of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Im Gefolge höhern Würden ist nicht immer ein erleuchteter Verstand (A high social position is not always matched by intelligence)
A monkey, about to be crowned is clumsily running towards a fruit basket; plate thirteen of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Der Krug geht so lang zum Wasser bis er bricht (The pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last.)
A foolish cat is - against the advice of a monkey who is seated on a bed to right, attacking the master's parrot; the latter will subsequently tell its owner about this and the cat will be punished; plate twelve of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Ein wahrer Freund wird in der Noth erkannt (A friend in need is a friend indeed)
Two wolves preventing a large owl from attacking a smaller bird. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Eile mit Weile (Slow and steady wins the race)
A lion enthroned, as king of the animal kingdom; surrounded by his 'entourage' consisting of tigers, leopards and wolves; rabbit in the foreground; plate two of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Der Bart macht nicht den Mann (Don't judge a book by its cover)
A ram fighting a monkey; audience of mammals watching the fight in the background; plate nine of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Den Mangel natürlicher Anlagen ersetzt kein Künstlicher Stellvertreter (You cannot buy talent)
Two ostriches have, in an attempt to fly, attached eagles' feathers to their wings and jumped off a cliff; one ostrich is injured and lying on the floor; laughing, smug eagles in the background; plate ten of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Der Neidische erbittert sich sein Leben ohne dedurch etwas zu gewinnen (He who is envious and full of bitterness usually has no reason)
A swan and bear, looking at each other full of envy for the other's abilities and territories; a pigeon, seated on a branch to right is telling them about the foolishness of their feelings; plate sixteen of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Verachte nicht den Geringen, dem die Natur oft Vorzüge einrüumt, welche sie dem Mächtigen versagt (Do not look down on the small and seemingly insignificant as he may have abilities which the powerful do not match)
A triumphant bird is challenging arrogant predators, to fly; plate fifteen of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Im Gefolge höhern Würden ist nicht immer ein erleuchteter Verstand (A high social position is not always matched by intelligence)
A monkey, about to be crowned is clumsily running towards a fruit basket; plate thirteen of the series. c.1740s

Lehrreiche Fabeln aus dem Reiche der Thiere / Nur thörichte Eltern lassen ihre Kinder wissen, dass sie reich sind (Only stupid parents let their children know of their wealth)
A disappointed squirrel mother is seated in the foreground, 'talking' to a raptor bird; she is desperate because her son and his squirrel friends, visible in the background, are busy eating the nuts she had carefully collected throughout the year and had foolishly shared with her offspring due to her disproportionally large feelings of motherly love. c.1740s

Schuster bleib bei Deinen Leisten (Do what you do best)
An ostrich before a council of mammals; the latter are refusing his application as he - despite being able to run fast and unable to fly- is still percieved to be more bird than mammal; plate five of the series. c.1740s

/ Vorschnell gefreyt, hat manchen gereut (Marry in haste, repent in leisure)
A magpie and her 'husband', a large owl, sitting on a branch, to right, two other birds are mocking the magpie's stupidity of marrying a night-active bird; plate six of the series. c.1740s


Kämpfe reissender Tiere / Der Pferd und der Löwe
A lion attacking a white horse. c.1730s

A tiger attacking a donkey. c.1730s

A greyhound placing its front legs over a dead hare, as another three greyhounds perched on or next to the large boulder at left eye the animal; a smaller dog in left foreground; from a series of four etchings.

A pack of hounds surrounding a killed stag; a gun placed in foreground and a hunter smoking a pipe as he leans against a tree at right; from a series of four etchings.

A lynx standing on its hind legs on a boulder at left, turning back its head to the three approaching hounds at right; from a series of twenty-two etchings; another impression. 1761

A swan attacked by a pack of hounds on a small pond surrounded by rocks; from a series of twenty-two etchings; another impression. 1761

An aurochs to left attacked by a pack of hounds; from a series of twenty-two etchings; another impression. 1761

Landscape with a bear to left attacked by a pack of hounds; from a series of twenty-two etchings; another impression. 1761

Landscape with a polecate attacked by two hounds in foreground, a weasel in a sling trap at right and a squirrel perched on a pole at left; from a series of twenty-two etchings; another impression. 1761

A lion tamer lying on the floor next to and being embraced by a lion; a small dog is standing on the lion's back c.1740s

A bear attacking a lioness and her young. c.1730s

A rhinoceros in a landscape; palm trees in the distance to left; plate 53 of the series. c.1750


A hunter seated in front of his make-shift tent in a forest, surrounded by his dogs; at left various killed animals, including a bear and a lynx; from a series of four oval illustrations of the seasons on hatched ground.

A hunter holding a spear, standing in front of a large tree, surrounded by his dogs and pointing at the killed animals at left, including a boar, deer, hare and various birds; from a series of four oval illustrations of the seasons on hatched ground.

A hunter kneeling at left in front of a large tree and stroking his dog's head; various killed animals, including a stag, hares and birds in foreground; another hunter with his hounds in right background; from a series of four oval illustrations of the seasons on hatched ground.

