Эскизы театральных костюмов- 19 век. Часть 1.

Dec 26, 2009 16:55

Эскизы театральных костюмов- 1799-1847


English Theatrical Portraits, 1799-1847, in the William Appleton Collection

Mr. Barnes as Pantaloon.

Mr. C. Kemble as Falconbridge, in King John.

Mr. Macready as Rob Roy.

Mr. Pope as St. Aldobrand in Bertram. [West's Theatrical Portraits. No. 78.] (1824)

Miss Vincent as Prince Aladdin. (1837)

Mr. H. Wallack, as Hyder Ali. (1831)

Mr. T. P. Cook [Cooke], as Zenocles [in Ali Pacha]. (1823)

Mr. Huntley, as Edward the Black Prince, 1st dress. (1822)

Mr. G. Bennett as King in Hamlet.

Mr. T. P. Cooke, as the Flying Dutchman.
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Mr. Cobham, as Hardicanute [Hardyknute], in One O'Clock or the Knight and the Wood Demon.

Mr. Bradley, as Feroce D'Ame. [West's Theatrical Portraits, No. 52.] (1824)

Mr. T. P. Cooke, as Norad. (In the Spirits of the Moon.) (1824)

Mr. Cooper as Cortez. [West's Theatrical Portraits. No. 84.] (1825)

Mr. Edwin as Lothair [Lothar].

Mr. Fechter as LaGardare.

Mr. Gallot as Count Godfrey. (1821)

Mr. Huntley as Barbarouse in Love, Hate and Revenge. (1817)

Mr. Hicks as Robert Macaire.

Mr. Kean as Rolla.

[Mr. Kean as Othello.]

Mr. Lyon as Faustus.

Mr. Lee as the Green Knight. (1837)

Mr. Macready as Henri Quartre [Henry IV] [Wets's, Theatrical Portraits. No. 50] (1823)

Monsieur Martin, & the Lioness. In Hyder Ali. (1831)

Mr. Palmer as Ahasuerus in The Triumph of the Jewish Queen.

Mr. Pope, as Orozembo. (1822)

Mr. Sinclair as Apollo. (1830)

Mr. O. Smith as Robert, in Raymond & Agness [Robert & Agnes] [West's, Theatrical Portraits. No. 93.] (1827)

Mr. Williams as Theodore, in Alonzo the Patriot.

Harry Bluff a Tar for All Weathers. ([1816-1823])

Mr. Anderson as Macbeth.

Mr. Blanchard as Pantaloon.

Mr. Bland as the Ocean King.

Mr. Bradley as Quashe.

Mr. G. V. Brooke as Othello.

Master Burke as Rome. (From the Surrey Theatre)

Mr. Watkins Burroughs as Lord Nigel. In the Fortunes of Nigel, performed at the Surrey Theatre. (1822)

Mr. Cambell [Campbell] as Black Beard the Pirate. (1833)

Mr. T. P. Cooke as Gordon the Gipsey.

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Madame Celeste as the Dumb Arab Boy, in the Siege of Constantine.

Mrs. Brooks as Margurite of Burgundy, in the Tower of Nesle [Nestle]. (1833)

Miss Bartalozzi as Susanna, in the Marriage of Figaro.

Miss Fanny Kemble as Mrs. Beverley, Belvedera, Juliet and Euphrasia.] [Skelt's miniature portraits. No. 3.]

Madam Vestris as Apollo.

Miss Vincent as Thalaba. (1837)

Mrs. Yates, as Alice. (In The Wreck Ashore.) (1831)

Madame Auriol as Columbine.

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Карнавалы. Живопись и гравюры,15-19 век-HERE
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English Theatrical Portraits, 1799-1847, in the William Appleton Collection

