Старинные картинки и карикатуры на медицинские темы.Продолжение.

Sep 22, 2009 16:43

Старинные картинки и карикатуры на медицинские темы

Очень интересные картинки- хирурги, дантисты, аптекари и смешные карикатуры.

A doctor kicking his rival out of a female patient's sickroom, while trampling another underfoot: satirizing the change of government and the exclusion of Fox from Pitt's ministry. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804.
1803 By: James Gillray

Удаление зуба. An operator extracting a tooth.
Oil 1600-1699 By: Theodoor Rombouts

Измерение пульса в аптеке- по костюмам это- конец 18 века.

Wellcome Library, London
Drawing of a man sewing up a head wound.
Early 14th century
From: Collection of medical treatises in Latin: with some added receipts, etc., in French.
Collection: Archives & Manuscripts

Wellcome Library, London
An illustration of a patient in bed to whom a nurse is bringing a large bowl of 'polte de orzo' (barley-broth?)- detail.

A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases.
By: Masterof Los Balbases, after: Alonso de. Sedano

Wellcome Library, London
Folio 62 recto
From: Das ist Augendienst
By: Georg Bartisch
Published: M. StockelDresden 1583

Ophthalmic surgery. Treatment for lachrimal fistula performed on a nun
ca. 1675
From: Arzneibuch. Compendium of popular medicine and surgery, receipts, etc., in German. Compiled for the use of a House of the Franciscan Order, probably in Austria, or South Germany.

Индийский глазной хирург за работой.
An eye-surgeon at work; by an
unnamed Delhi artist, commissioned by Colonel James Skinner
Watercolour 1825

Bloodletting 1675

Wellcome Library, London
A monk performs a delicate eye operation on one of the fellow members of his order, who is held in place by another monk.
ca. 1675

A chiropodist treating a patient's foot, a crowd of people are gathered around watching the work. Line engraving by P. Quast.
By: Pieter Jansz Quast

Saint Elizabeth offers a bowl of food and a tankard of drink to a male patient in the hospital in Marburg, Germany.
Oil 1598 By: Adam Elsheimer

BROUWER, Adriaen
The Operation
c. 1631
Oil on panel, 31,4 x 39,6 cm
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

A surgeon removing a plaster from a man's back, with five people looking on. Oil painting by Adriaen Rombouts.
circa 1647/1667 By: Adriaen Rombouts
Published: [Belgium or the Netherlands] : [ca. 1647/1667]

Mastectomy, attributed to a Dutch artist, 17th century
The operator excises the breast with the "tenaculum helvetianum". His assistant has a case of lancets etc. attached to his belt. A set of cautery irons is smouldering on a stand on the left. The patient is seated, held by two men: she appears to be fainting. On the right, a man in a tall hat points towards her: he is possibly meant to be a physician.
Drawing 1600-1699

Interior with a surgeon attending to a wound in a man's side. Oil painting by Johan Joseph Horemans I.
By: Johan Joseph Horemans

A young woman comes to visit a sick man in the hope that her love will cure him, surrounded by relatives. Colour lithograph by LaFosse after P.E.Destouches.
The lettering ("L'amour médicin") may allude to Molière's play of that title first performed at Versailles for Louis XIV and his court on 15 September 1665, although the play describes a man curing a love-sick young woman, not the reverse as shown here

Oliver Goldsmith's medical advice rejected by his patient in favour of the advice of the apothecary. Oil painting by Thomas P. Hall.
By: Thomas P. Hall

По поверьям- зуб мертвеца приносил удачу.
A woman covers her eyes as she steals the teeth of a hanged man. Aquatint with etching by F. Goya, c. 1797.
By: Francisco Goya y Lucientes

In a room filled with skulls of the famous, the phrenologist Gall examines Pitt the Younger and Gustavus IV, the King of Sweden, both currently plagued by Napoléon. Coloured etching, 1806

A wounded soldier having his foot dressed by a nun, while her assistant holds a bowl of water. Lithograph by J.H. Marlet.
By: Jean Henri Marlet

St Luke's Hospital, Cripplegate, London: the interior of the women's ward, with many inmates and a member of staff. Coloured aquatint by J. C. Stadler after A. C. Pugin and T. Rowlandson, 1809.
1809 By: Thomas Rowlandson after: Augustus Charles Pugin, Joseph Constantine Stadler and George Dance

The treatment of wounded soldiers in a ward of a hospital. Drawing by Benjamin Zix, ca. 1805/1811.
Miniature 1805 By: Benjamin Zix

A mesmeric physician taking advantage of his female patient. Colour lithograph, 1852.

The last moments of HRH the Prince Consort. Oil painting by Oakley under the pseudonym Le Port.
Oil By: Oakley

Вакцинация ребенка.
Edward Jenner vaccinating a boy. Oil painting by E.-E. Hillemacher, 1884.
1884 By: Eugène-Ernest Hillemacher
Published: [Paris?], [1884]

A girl reads to a convalescent while a nurse brings in the patient's medicine. Watercolour by R.H. Giles.
By: R.H. Giles

Claude Bernard and his pupils. Oil painting after Léon-Augustin Lhermitte.
Oil 1889 By: Léon Augustin Lhermitte

A surgeon performing a suprapubic lithotomy on a young boy. Lithograph by R. Lemoine, 1899.
1899 By: Raoul E. Lemoine

Physical therapy at Bath hospital. Watercolour by E. Horton, 1918.

----------------------Картинки из старинных медицинских книг-----------------------------

The Workes, Frontispiece
1634 By: Ambroise Paré

Hand coloured illustration of surgical instruments
1561 By: Ambroise Paré

Hand coloured illustration of facial surgery
1561 By: Ambroise Paré

Ambroise Pare: prosthetics, mechanical hand

Metal artificial legs
16th century

Effigie du faulx Imposteur assise en une chaire de Leton portant sur sa teste une couronne faicte comme le tyare du Pope. Effigy of the false Imposter (Satan) sitting on a brass throne wearing on his head a crown like the tiara of the Pope.

Histoires Prodigieuses; Le miserable Roy

Illustration of 'The Prince of Darkness: Dagol' devouring human limbs. Taken from a general work on the magical arts.
circa 1775

Portrait d'vn Triton & d'vne Serene veus fus le Nil. (bottom) Monstre marin ayant le teste d'vn Moyne, arme, & couuert d'e scaille de poisson.
Woodcut and text 1575

Figure d'vun monstre marin, ressemblant a'vn Euesque, vustu de ses habits pontiscaux. (bottom) Figure d'vn monstre marin, a yant la teste d'Ours, & les bras d'vn Singe
Woodcut and text 1575

Woodcut marine monsters

Woodcut marine monsters

Woodcut marine monsters

Male figure holding the skin of his trunk open
Woodcut and text c. 1521

Male figure holding the skin of his trunk open
Woodcut and text c. 1521
From: Carpi commentaria cum amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mundini vna cum textu eiusd?m in pristinum et verum nitorèm redacto
By: Jacopo Berengario da Carpi

Male figure holding the skin of his trunk open
Woodcut and text c. 1521
From: Carpi commentaria cum amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mundini vna cum textu eiusd?m in pristinum et verum nitorèm redacto
By: Jacopo Berengario da Carpi

TAGLIACOZZI, Gasparo (1547-99)
G. Taglicozzi, De curtorum chirurgia per
insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae
ad hujus chirurgiae.....declarantur. Venice: G.
Bindoni jr., 1597

Anatomical fugitive sheet (Viscerum...1539) bound at the end of Valverde, Vivae imagines partium corporis humani...1566. Part of the engraving is composed of printed paper flaps that, when lifted, reveal the internal organs of the figure. This is one of a pair of male and female figures.
Engraving 1566 By: Lambert van Noort, Frans Huys, Pieter Huys, Gaspar Beccera and Nicolas Beatrizet

Engraving 1566 By: Lambert van Noort, Frans Huys, Pieter Huys, Gaspar Beccera and Nicolas Beatrizet

Surgical instruments
From: The surgeons mate.
By: John Woodall
Published: R. Young for N. BourneLondon 1639

The surgeons mate, or, Military & domestique surgery : discovering ... ye method and order of ye surgeons chest, ye uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of ye medicines, with ye exact cures of wounds made by gun-shott, and otherwise ... with a treatise of ye cure of ye plague ...
By: John Woodall Printed by John Legate for Nicolas BourneLondon 1655

ARZNEIBUCH, Book of medical receipts, etc. A
physicians handbook of practical medicine with
notes on medical astroloty, blood-letting,
uroscopy, etc. in German. Some additions by
several 16th century hands. 1524.
Figure 6 showing veins in arm and head


Detail of a syphilitic person from Broadsheet: Syphilitic; woodcut ascribed to Durer
Woodcut and text 1496 By: Albrecht Durer

Two vignettes illustrating surgical feats and some surgical instruments. The first shows a point on a man's chest where an iron rod had penetrated the body and the second shows a woman aged 71 with breast cancer. Line engraving

Illustration showing an amputation of the lower leg by a surgeon wearing Japanese dress
1851 By: Kamata Keis


Удаление зуба.
A man extracting a tooth. Oil painting by Pieter van Laer.
By: Pieter van Laer

Удаление зуба.
An operator extracting a tooth. Oil painting by an unidentified painter, 16--, after Theodor Rombouts.
Oil 1600-1699 By: Theodoor Rombouts

A French dentist showing a specimen of his artificial teeth and false palates.
Coloured engraving 1811 By: Thomas Rowlandson

Практика модного дантиста
A fashionable dentist's practice: healthy teeth are being extracted from poor children to create dentures for the wealthy. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1787.
Coloured engraving 1787-1790 By: Thomas Rowlandson

James Gillray's, 'Easing the Tooth-ach'
Coloured engraving 1796 By: James Gillray



Аптека- по костюмам- 17 век.
An interior of a busy apothecary shop. Line engraving by C. LeRoy.
after: Claude LeRoy

Saint Leopold: shop sign for St Leopold's pharmacy, Vienna. Oil painting by E. Nacht.
By: E. Nacht

Аптека, 1700
A pharmacy. Oil painting by a French painter, ca. 1700(?).

Измерение пульса в аптеке- по костюмам это- конец 18 века.
medical practitioner taking a lady's pulse in a pharmacy. Oil painting by Emili Casals i Camps, ca. 1882.
1882 By: Emili Casals i Camps

An Arcimboldesque figure comprised of different elements relating to pharmacy. Coloured lithograph, 1830

A pharmacy: interior. Watercolour by Lucy Pierce.

A fashionable young lady asking a pharmacist about the durability of the cosmetics he sells. Coloured pencil drawing by L. Wood, 1909.
1909 By: Lawson Wood

The dance of death: the apothecary.
1816 By: Thomas Rowlandson


Three grisly distillers with streams running from their noses and mouths into a tub of "double rectified spirits". Coloured engraving, c. 1811, after T. Rowlandson

Doctor Humbugallo, an itinerant medicine vendor, selling his wares from a stage with an assistant dressed as a court fool. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
Ink and Watercolour By: Thomas Rowlandson

Patients consulting an obese quack. Watercolour painting by T. Rowlandson, 1807.
1807 By: Thomas Rowlandson

Death as an apothecary's assistant making up medicines in a jar for the apothecary attending a female patient who sits by the fireside. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson or one of his followers.
By: Thomas Rowlandson

Возвращение врача домой после ночного вызова.
A manservant brings the physician his coat and gold-topped cane, and an umbrella. A young man hides under the bed, so that when the physician is called away by the hoax night call, the man can join the physician's wife in bed.
1800 By: Thomas Rowlandson

'The Cooper's Adz versus the Lancet' Bransby Blake Cooper being poked in the posteriour by a lancet, possibly Thomas Wakley, founder of the medical journal The Lancet.
Coloured etching 1828 By: Dickey Fubs

Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert.
By: E.F. Lambert after: F.C. Hunt

A hypochondriac with something in his eye. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after Ego.
By: Ego after: F.C. Hunt

'A visit to the doctor'
Coloured etching 1809 By: Thomas Rowlandson after: Woodward

An ill man who is being bled by his doctor. Coloured etching
By: James Gillray

An operator treating the carbuncled nose of an obese patient with "Perkins's tractors".
By: James Gillray

'Gentle Emetic'
Coloured engraving 1804 By: James Gillray

A doctor kicking his rival out of a female patient's sickroom, while trampling another underfoot: satirizing the change of government and the exclusion of Fox from Pitt's ministry. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804.
Coloured engraving 1803 By: James Gillray

'Visiting the Sick'
Coloured Lithograph 1806 By: James Gillray

The good man, death and the doctor
By: Thomas Rowlandson
From: The physician and the dance of death

A female patient dying in the arms of her family, an unhappy doctor leaves the room realising it is his final payment. Aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1786.
1786 By: Thomas Rowlandson

A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1800.
1800 By: James Gillray

Еще интересные картинки по медицинской теме - ТУТ
Анатомические старинные картинки и старинные манекены-ТУТ
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