Застолья и алкоголь в изо.

Sep 07, 2009 14:16

Застолья и алкоголь в изо.

Застолья и процесс потребления алкоголя- интереснейшая тема в изо. Есть очень много смешных и поучительных картинок и карикатур на эту тему. Особенно много сцен пирушек в питейных заведениях.
Что нам не очень сейчас привычно- дети и животные в многочисленной рекламе алкоголя. Во многих культурах употребление детьми пива и вина только приветствовалось, считалось питательным и полезным для здоровья.

Wellcome Library, London
Прекрасная барменша.
A pretty barmaid drawing beer. Coloured lithograph, c. 1825

Реклама пива конца 19 века.
Best Wishes of Wm J. Lemp Brewing Company, St. Louis, U.S.A. Chromolithograph. Advertising Collection. Missouri Historical Society Photographs and Prints Collections

Manière de se servir du rhyton. (1880-1883)

Pirates in Charleston. 17 век

Tranquil Joy (18th cent.)

Smoking Club Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William), 1814-1866

A midnight modern conversation.
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764 -- Artist

The Yanners Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William), 1814-1866

HALS, Dirck
Merry Company
Oil on panel, 45 x 67,5 cm
Private collection

BLOOT, Pieter de
Tavern Interior
Oil on panel, 48 x 66 cm
Private collection

DUSART, Cornelis Dutch painter (b. 1660, Haarlem, d. 1704, Haarlem)
Tavern Scene

BUYTEWECH, Willem Pietersz.
Merry Company
Oil on canvas, 61 x 81 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin

Jeffrey Jordan-Cap & Joan his Wife, Jerry Jugg Guzzle (173-?)

Fee Simple, a councellor and Beau Bungey, a cringing courtier (1730

Sir Fopling Fine-Step, an Italian dancing master and Goodman Long Breeches, a boorish bridgegroom (1730)

German Barmaid

Learning to smoke and drink grog; Free & easy
Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William), 1814-1866 -- Author

Snuff and Twopenny
Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William), 1814-1866 -- Author

Old man with tankard, and dozing woman, pipe in hand]; Toby Fillpot
Fairholt, F. W. (Frederick William), 1814-1866

Anacreontick's in full song, by James Gillray (died 1815), published 1801.

- or - the triumph of Bacchus & Silenus; with John Bulls remonstrance by James Gillray

Hollænd. Bauern-Trinkstube. ([1837-42])

Hollændische Zechstube. [Dutch country inn.] ([1837-42])

Training day in the country : autumn of 1860. (1860)

The drinking saloon. (1854)

Entertainment in a lager beer saloon. (1864)

Low groggery. (1868)

A privilege? (1875)



("Woman's Holy War. Grand Charge on the Enemy's Works." An allegorical 1874 political cartoon, which somewhat unusually shows temperance campaigners (alcohol prohibition advocates) as virtuous armored women warriors, wielding axes Carrie-Nation-style to )

A New York drinking bar. (1882)

Candidate for assembly and laborers discussing suffrage.] (1877)

Concert saloon band. (1882)

Interior of "Tom's." (1872)

A night-scene at Harry Hill's Concert Saloon. (1928)

Mrs. May Phillips, the perfect barmaid. (ca. 1938-


Women and man in evening attire standing at bar.] (1932)

[Two men in tuxedoes drinking and conversing at bar.] (1942)

Two men in formal dress conversing on terrace.] (1942)


Bock beer (1882)

Bock beer (1890)

Advertisement, 1879

Between 1885-1910. From the Library of Congress.

Whisky advertisement, 1870

Anisetta Evangelisti, Liquore Da Dessert

Absinthe Bourgeois
by Mourgue Brothers

Tennent's Lager
by The National Archives

Guinness for Strength
Giclee Print

Biere de Vezekise
by Guerzan

Bieres De La Meuse
by Alphonse Mucha


Saloon at 1232 Grant Ave

Halles, 1957
by Frank Horvat

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