Потолки необыкновенной красоты.

Aug 12, 2009 16:58

Потолки старинных соборов и дворцов.

Потолки такой красоты, что дух захватывает, начинаешь их смотреть и - невозможно оторваться.

Cathedral Dome

Галерея Лафайет,Париж

Exeter Cathedral

фарфоровый потолок, Мадрид

Palacio Real - Gold Ceiling

city hall

city hall


Peterskirche Vienna, Austria

Wilten Basilica, Innsbruck

Sant Andrea Della Valle

Sant Andrea Della Valle has the largest dome in Rome after St. Peter's in the Vatican

soffitto al topkapi,Стамбул

Academy Of Arts & Sciences
One of Vienna's premier staterooms.

Maria Treu Kirche
Vienna, Austria

Maria Treu Kirche
Vienna, Austria

Jesuitenkirche, Vienna

Cathedral Dome

Jesuitenkirche, Vienna


Santa Maria Maggiore

Damenstift St. Anna, Munich

Plafond de la cathédrale de Monreale, Sicile

The ceiling of the Sanctuary of Peterborough Cathedral.

The Apotheosis of St. Ignatius painted by the illusionist master Andrea Pozzo,Рим

Libreria Piccolomini Bibliothèque de la cathédrale de Sienne

Església de Sant Lluc, Ulldecona, s. XIV-XV

Santa Maria del Mar, 1329-1383, Berenguer de Montagut i Ramon Despuig, mestres d'obra, Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar

Sant Ignazio Side Altar,Рим

Catedral de Tarragona, cúpula de la capella del Santíssim Sagrament, Jaume Amigó, 1580-1592

El sol, símbol dels sutiavas, habitants originals de León, situat al sostre de l'església de San Juan Bautista.Никарагуа

San Luigi Dei Francesi,Рим

San Luigi Dei Francesi,Рим

Ceiling with clouds in Rådssalen, Stockholm City Hall, Sweden.
Constructed 1911-1923, Architect: Ragnar Östberg


Theatinerkirche (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatinerkirche_(Munich)



York Minster ceiling

San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane

Església de la Resurrecció o Sant Salvador de la Sang Vessada (1883-1907).

Domed ceiling at the Hawaii Theater


El Palacio Real

Саграда де Фамилиа, Барселона

Duomo di Siena

Duomo di Siena

Pantheon Skylight

False Perspective

Vatican Museum

Duomo di Siena

Duomo di Siena

Santa Maria In Trastevere

Palacio Real

Palacio Real



Kościół Mariacki

Exeter Cathedral

Holy Trinity, Coventry

Copenhagen Cathedral 'Church of our Lady'.

Chiesa Del Gesu,Рим
Il Baciccia's fresco "Triumph In The Name Of Jesus" with stucco angels by Antonio Raggi.


The ceiling of the Basilica Notra Dame de la Garde, Marseille



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