Galvanizing Aldini и другие старинные гравюры.

Jun 23, 2009 15:06

Galvanizing Aldini и электрофизиологические опыты.

Galvanizing Aldini и Luigi Galvani.Старинные гравюры.
Старинные электрофизиологические опыты и эксперименты 1600-1800гг. Эффект гальванизации и "оживление трупов".

Эти электрофизиологические эксперименты - часть ежегодного компендиума(?) или Слушаний 'De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto Atque Академия Commentarii'- о там есть многочисленны другие научные гравюры, также по большей части, по electrophysiology . Работа, производимая между 1631 и 1691, редактировалась Giovanni Bacialli , на сайте можно посмотреть несколько томов старинных книг из Университета Болоньи -

These frog electrophysiology experiments are part of a 60 year compendium or Proceedings from 'De Bononiensi Scientiarum et Artium Instituto Atque Academia Commentarii'- from memory there are numerous other scientific engravings, also mostly to do with electrophysiology (dissected species nerve networks and the like). The work, produced between 1631 and 1691, was edited by Giovanni Bacialli and is online at the University of Bologna (bottom left link for page images).

Aldini был племянником итальянского физиолога Луиджи Galvani, кто экспериментировал с ногами лягушки в позднем 18 -ом столетии и отметил, что мускулы реагируют на прохождение электрического тока (он думал, что он обнаружил уникальное 'животное электричество'). Раздражающее сжатие мускула известно как galvansim . Aldini помогал Гальвани в работе и позже продвигал его эксперименты и публикации.
Aldini was the nephew of the Italian physiologist Luigi Galvani who experimented with frog legs in the late 18th century and noted that the muscles contracted with the passage of an electrical current (he thought he had discovered a unique 'animal electricity'). Provoking muscle contraction by applying electricity came to be known as galvansim [and galvanize or galvanise came to have a wider meaning: stimulate into activity]. Aldini assisted with his uncle's work and later promoted the principle in his own experiments and publications.

Published in Harpers Weekly in 1836
Эти эксперименты с электричеством над животными и человеком описаны Альдини в 1804 году.
Электрическая работа Aldini не была ограничена, он делал попытки реанимации человеческих и животных трупов. До его знаменитого Лондонского искусства организации шоу, Aldini имел некоторый успех, лечив больничных пациентов, страдающих от 'меланхолии', делая им сильный удар электрическим разрядом, это было первой записью electroconvulsive терапии, которая со спорным но очевидным успехом существовала вплоть до современных времен в определенных случаях депрессии.

А что на этой картинке- точно сказать не могу.
These human and animal experiments with electricity came to be described by Aldini in his (now very rare) 1804 book 'Essai Théorique et Expérimental sur le Galvanisme' from which the above plates were taken. The work is also notable for first describing how steel needles could be magnetized with a current, as well as exploring the velocity of electricity through water, electrical fish and the conductivity of flames.

The electrical work of Aldini was not restricted to attempts at reanimating human and animal corpses. Prior to his famous London showmanship, Aldini had some success treating hospital patients suffering from 'melancholia' by giving them a strong electric shock -- this was the first recording of electroconvulsive therapy, which for the most part has been used (with arguable but apparent success) up to modern times in certain cases of depression.

All the above images come from the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University (first link)- employs a Luna Insight browser. Strangely, the plates are not credited on the site to Giovanni Aldini at all, but can be found by searcing on 'Lavoisier' (name of collection in which the book resides). I saw in passing somewhere that there are 10 plates in the book in total but all of the Cornell images have been posted above.
Corrosion Doctors: Giovanni Aldini; Luigi Galvani; Galvanism; Galvanic Reanimation.
Dept. of History, University of California Irvine - Galvanic Experiments: Stories from The Times of London.

Bibliography of Aldini's published works (search on 'Aldini').
The Birth of Frankenstein at the National Library of Medicine.
The Reanimators at Fortean Times.
Galvanic Reanimation of the Dead at Lateral Science.
[Extract from] 'A History of Nerve Functinons: from Animal Spirits to Moleular Mechanisms' by Sidney Ochs 2004.
'Giovanni Aldini (1803) and the Electrical Cure for "Melancholic Madness" ' by Sherry Ann Beaudreau and Stanley Finger [abstract from a lecture - search on 'Aldini'].
In Spanish: A good weblog post at Psiquiatría Histórica on the history of biological treatments in psychiatry (illustrated).
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