May 28, 2009 17:38


Каких только устройств "с музыкой" люди не придумали! У меня был пост про музей музыкальных автоматов, где играет все- от пианино до ваз и даже стульев. Причем изобретательность не знала границ, музыкальные механизмы вставлялись и в часы,и в посуду и в шкафы-кабинеты. Специальные же музыкальные шкафы и шкатулки были цилиндровыми или дисковыми, могли играть множество мелодий. Часто к ним добавлялись и композиции из движущихся фигурок-автоматов, тогда все это превращалось в волшебное зрелище.
Нам соседи за ненадобностью подарили американскую виктролу 1903 года, она проигрывает старинные пластинки. Громкость,акустика и сила звука потрясающая, все это достигается только конструкцией корпуса, хотя выглядит она просто как красивый шкафчик-сервант на ножках, без всяких грамофонных раструбов. Гости не верят, что такое возможно без электричества и ищут провод!:)

Ваза с 8 поющими птичками, 1824,Rochat 1824, Collection Patek Phillipe. and
Christian Bailly.


Polyphon Automatic Disc Changer No. 5, c. 1900

A scarce and magnificent Polyphon Autochanger with 16 saucer bells playing 22" discs. Standing over eight feet tall, this machine allows you to select the disc you wish to play and watch as it is raised up to the movement. It is in superb condition, has a beautiful sound, and is in perfect working order. It comes with fifteen discs.

Polyphon, Germany, c. 1895

This beautiful Polyphon plays 15 1/2" discs with a lovely rich sound. The walnut case and movement are original, while the disc bin and pediment have been replaced, although the bin does have a particularly beautiful veneer. It comes with 15 discs.

Glorious Polyphon Style 6G with 16 bells and crisp, beautiful sound

A very rare Symphonion “Eroica” in a walnut case, made in Germany c. 1898. This superb machine plays three discs at the same time in harmony with each other. This creates a beautiful harmonic sound. When a penny is inserted into the slot this music plays twice. The original painted glass panel in the door shows a semi-clad lady and cherub, and the lower section of the case stores the sets of discs. The discs are 13 ¾” / 35cm diameter.

Euphonion, 1898
A lovely and unusual Euphonion playing 19 5/8" Polyphon discs, probably made for the eastern European market. With a very nice sound, the case of this machine is striking with the extraordinary amount of turning and carving - and all original. It comes with 15 discs.

Polyphon 19 5/8" Upright Disc Music Box, 1897

This is an unusual machine - a beautiful walnut-cased Polyphon with an eight-day clock in the pediment, but in all my years I have never seen this style of case before. The proportions are beautiful, with the disc bin significantly taller than other similar Polyphons. The name Johannjax, Linz and Salzburg is carved into the motor cover, and the motor is dated 1897. It is all original, the sound is superb, and it comes with fifteen discs.

Monopol Chalet Antique Disc Music Box, c. 1900

A truly unusual and entertaining antique music box, this Monopol has a very good sound and is in great original condition (the movement has been fully refurbished and works perfectly).

Regina 1896

A fine Regina disc music box in a mahogany case with its own disc cabinet.
The box is accompanied by a certificate which confirms that it was shipped from the factory on the 20th of November 1896. It has a great sound and comes with eighteen discs.

The Reuge "Verona" music box with matching base features an interchangeable orchestral cartel movement with 144 notes, plus separate bells and drum sections. It has 8 cylinders each with 4 songs (contact us for song list). The box and table are done in burr myrtle with inlaid roses, ivy and ribbons -- open work inside the box with swirling arabesques

Reuge "Tosca" Orchestral Music Box with 20.144 Bells and Drum
The Reuge "Tosca" music box with matching base features an interchangeable orchestral cartel movement with 144 notes, bells and drum sections. It has 5 cylinders each with 4 songs (contact us for song list). The box and table are done in Persian walnut with threads in boxwood inlay.

This lovely and hard to find Music Box by Reuge of Switzerland in Burr Vavona is just beautiful. It has mother-of-pearl lining and rosetta inlay. It is a less common vertical piece with the traditional 3 song 72 note movement. The three included songs are by Tchaikovsky and include: March of the Toy Soldiers, Waltz of the Flowers, and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Reuge traditional 72 note interchangeable movement with 5 cylinders and each with 3 songs (songs are all Mozart, list available upon request). Curved box in burr amboyna, inlay with pau marfin and pear tree wood with flower in pear tree wood. Gloss finish.

A great sounding and beautiful “petite size” interchangeable music box on a matching table by Bremond, no. 8956, c. 1865. It has an excellent inlaid case and comes with 7 cylinders. Each cylinder plays 6 tunes (originally this box had 8 cylinders but one has been lost in the past 140 years).

Reuge traditional 72 note movement with 3 songs on the cylinder. This box encased in a shell-shaped box in burr myrtle with inlaid roses and ribbons and curved lid in gloss finish.

In the wonderful tradition of the mid to late 19th century cylinder music boxes comes this handsome 144 note, 3 song traditional Reuge movement. The box is done in burr Madrona with a roses inlay made of dyed white maple

Traditional Reuge 72 note movement with 3 songs on cylinder. The box in burr walnut with inlay roses and gloss finish.

Antique Rotating Stand with Combined Music Box
Here is a very interesting piece from the 1800's made by Kalliope Musik Werke of Leipzig, Germany. The device features a stand in the center that rotates when the the spring wound mechanism is activated. Because you can place anything you like on the stand, it is very flexible in how it may be used. On the stand, one may place a figurine (as shown here), seasonal items, holiday-related items, special occasion items, or prized possessions. There is also a fine music box inside the box that plays 7 inch kalliope discs.

Музыкальный фотоальбом

Beautiful wood (oak?)cover Musical Photo Album from 1800s with more than a dozen original photos of family members. Two Aire Swiss 30 note musical movement installed in back cover.

Le Ore Upright Symphonion Disc Music Box (Italian and German)

handsome walnut(?) cased Kalliope disc music box in excellent playing condition. Comes with 6 original 9 1/4" discs. Decorative bedplate and comb with damper.

Fortuna disc music box (15 1/2") with 30 discs. Mint
condition, all original. This music box was taken care of by a
single family since purchase at the turn of the century in

Wonderful original Imperial Symphonion disc music box with 60 discs! Perfect working condition, excellent sound and resonance. Single 78 tooth comb intact no rust. Mahogany case with bead work has two easily restored losses of finish on top that we have decided not to touch.


A very unusual German gilt bronze singing bird box. The lid decorated by a signed Meissen bisque porcelain plaque of a bacchante, perhaps Pan.

Их так много, что я продолжу в следующем посте.


This Charles Reuge Musical Pocket Watch Automaton has a small Reuge music box mechanism and 3 moving automata features on the watch face. The Boat scene is a scarce version of this watch

This Reuge Musical Pocket Watch Automaton has a small Reuge music box mechanism and 4 moving automata features on the watch face.

Начало см. по тэгам.

Очень интересно про музыкальные шкафы- gipatia

