Lord, the questions (and statements) I get...

Aug 01, 2004 20:04

Why do you only draw in your style?
Uhm...because my style is better than ripping off some company's style? Drawing in anyone else's style but your own, unless you're a beginner, is technically plagiarism in my books. Find your own niche, dammit.

Why don't you draw Sonic Team style?
Uhm...because the majority of folks that do are idiots and they make the style look sadder and sadder still everytime they churn out something that looks like Sonic Team's official art? I don't mind people who can do it...just don't do overkill.

Why do you hate Sonic Team CGing?
See above. It was fine when the DECENT artists did it. Now every n00b to DevianART is doing it. It's OVERKILL, people! Like the style? Do a ONE-OFF only. Obsessed with the style? Troll around on the official site boards. I'm sick of the vast majority of psychopathic Sonic "fans" promoting that style of CGing. You have your OWN STYLE...USE IT.

Can you teach me how to draw, Mistress?!
Uhm...how about no? The last three folks I taught how to draw claimed I was thieving "their" style. Want to learn? Teach yourself.

OMFG! U r a liar!!!!!11!! U r NOT Marinnai u r Vee-Jay! OMFG!!!!1111!1
*rolls eyes* Gotta love n00b whores. Vee-Jay is my sadistic side, Marinnai is my gentle side. Got the picture yet, doofus? You can have two sides to a coin, and those two are MY sides.

Why did you change from Vee-Jay Hedgehog to Marinnai-Ruby K. Kasaraki?
That's a long story. One I haven't told to very many people. Want to know the history, get back to me about it, maybe I'll post a friends-only journal entry about it. For the moment, Vee-Jay's STILL around, just not in her 'normal' form...

Your CGing is LAME. Ever used a tutorial? *snickers*
Judging by your choice in hotmail addresses, I'd say you need a SEX tutorial, boy. The 69'er is not the ONLY position out there *smirks* As for my CGing, I NEVER said I was "AWESOME" at it. Dumbass.

Why do Vee-Jay and Marinnai hate Tails so much?
Uhm...because he's a kitsune fag who needs to get skinned alive? Vee-Jay's hatred of Tails goes way, waaaaaaaaaay back. Marinnai's hatred of the little twin-tailed git is just becoming realised...that also reminds me...I have to pick up that Tails Plushie Vee-Jay wanted to strap an illegal firework to and launch its ass into the stratosphere on Monday...

Marinnai: Ooo! Can I watch?
Vee-Jay: Sure. You can even light the wick!
Marinnai: YES!

SonAmy? Sonadow? SonKnux? Knuxadow (or ShadKnux)? SoniTails? TailsCream? BigAmy?
SonAmy - Sonic X ruled with this. A pairing I like because it's cute and can EASILY be turned into hentai :P

Sonadow - "Crash & Burn" by Savage Garden and Ivory-Chan's pic of this pairing remind me of how much I love those two ^_^

SonKnux - Ech, 50/50. Knuckles could do a bit better than Sonic sometimes...

Knuxadow/ShadKnux - LOVE IT. The angsty Hedgehog and the loner Echidna. I love the artists that can do this pairing JUSTICE.

SoniTails - I love this pairing because of the utter idiot fanatics of the "brotherly love" pairing between these two. I love making fun of the morons. Plus Supersonic marries Tails in half my pics. Get over it :P

TailsCream - Morally WRONG. The age difference alone of these children just makes this pairing SICK.

BigAmy - Not many people like this pairing. Probably because Amy was nicer to Gamma than she was to Big, but in Sonic Heroes, their trio worked well. I'm a closet fan ;)

WTF? Vee-Jay Hedgehog is a GRAPE now?!?
That is what comes of leaving my imagination and my stomach unfed for a good 24 hours. Yes, she's reincarnated into a GRAPE...a RABID Grape, by the way. But the Hedgehog still exists...just...elsewhere ;)

Do you have a website yet?! (This comes from a smartass art thief from a site I USED to be part of way back in the early 1990's)
No I don't, but when I do, it'll be flash-based, so you and your little spying thieves can go jump. No little arrogant son of a bitch is going to thieve MY ARTS ANYMORE. Got it?

U r a Foamy fan. YOU SUCK!!!!!11!!1

I'm your lord and master
You are all bastards
Worship me
Or I'll stab your eyes till you bleed
I'm the lord and master!

Foamy Fan and PROUD to be a member of the Card Cult!

What gives? Fruit and Vegetable ANTHROS?!?
See the answer to WTF? Vee-Jay Hedgehog is a GRAPE now?!?. There's a number of these little characters around...

Like, how many characters do you, like, have? Yanno, like, a number of 'em, like, you know?
Like, SHUT UP PREPPY BITCH! *sighs* Why do I attract the idiots without TRYING? I have over 150 characters around, only a select few have ever been shown online. The rest...when I can be assed to redraw them in my current style...will be seen eventually.

When is the MTF Comic coming out?
Again, no set date. Quality over quantity, be patient, damn j00.

You can't compete with [insert artist's name here] so don't even TRY!
Who the fuck said I was "competing" with these assholes? And why the hell are you spying on me at Artail, anyway? Got no life other than the fact you have nothing "down there" to work with? You people are sad, sorry, pathetic retards. I draw because I love it and I want it to be my career one day.

Live with it.

Why are you on Gaia? That place stinks!
Congratulations for working that out all on your lonesome butt. I go there because I have good, like-minded friends who can discuss the Archie & Fleetway Sonic Comics without going all Sonic-Team-Rocks on my ass. Fanatics like that need to be shot.

Do you work for Archie Comics?
Don't ever want to. I admire Jon Gray, Jeff Axer and Dawn Best for standing up for the fans, but I'll never work there. That's a pipe dream.

Do you work for Sonic Team?
Pfft. Read the news lately? Sonic Team is dead and so is Sonic. Sonic Advance 3 is the biggest pile of shit since Tails Adventures 2. The company was GREAT...before the fanatics moved in and killed the dream. No, I'd never work for them. I'd maybe do some promo art if asked when I'm working with another company, but no, definitely not. Sonic Team was great while it lasted. RIP.

What company would you love to work for in the future?
I hope to work for Krome Studios or Blizzard someday...if my art ever gets any better :P Ty The Tasmanian Tiger Two: Bush Rescue (Krome Studios) and the upcoming World of Warcraft (Blizzard) look fucking awesome. Yeah, someday I hope to be part of 'em ^^

Name ten of your art inspirations (anyone and anything)
1) Graeme Connors - A Country Music Artist I listen to on more than one occasion when I have artist's block. This guy rules for painting pictures of lives we've lived and are still living and wonderous scenes from Australia's outback. Love this guy's work.

2) Savage Garden - Crash & Burn, The Lover After Me & Affirmation being firm favourites, these guys are also art inspiring. I love their songs ^_^

3) My Fiance, James - Collabs have never been so much FUN :D Plus it's great when I'm stuck on the MTF Script or something - he's a wonderful friend and helpful love of my life *snugs him*

4) Boltstryke & Neoikeia - These guys rock so damned much. If I could CG even a hint of what they do online nowadays I'd be happy. Most of the time I just drool at their awesome graphics :P

5) The WebComics "Buddies In Big Places", "Jack", "Kit N Kay Boodle", "Megatokyo" and "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" - Lots of laughs, tears, romanticism, 1337n355 and life itself. Gotta love the artists who do these comics. They KICK ASS!

6) Random acts of Randomness - Group chats galore with my mates equal sadism, sarcasm and laughs aplenty. Thanks a million you guys :D

7) Cadbury Caramello Blocks - Chocolate is not wasted on a bored artist. Hyperness isn't either XD XD XD

8) Most other online sites I visit - I've always liked Gaia Online's chibi-styled avatars. They're inspiring to me (plus some of the outfits are so cute!). Other times I just check on how one of my old mates from DA is going and bunny hop through their friends list; usually just to see new arts and be inspired by them. Other times it's sheer boredom :P

9) The Bee Gees - Another music-based inspiration. I loved their Disco-age songs. May they forever live.

10) Anime/Movies - Any type of anime that's available (save for a select few). Mainly Sonic X, Last Exile, Ghost In The Shell etc. Also movies like S.W.A.T., The LotR's Trilogy and others.

How long have you been drawing for?
This year will make it 15 big ones ^_^ I've come a long, long way folks ;)
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