[Mistletoe Kisses] Old Love

Dec 30, 2007 04:58

[Characters]: Kyouraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jyuushiro. Mentions of Abarai Renji, Kuchiki Byakuya, Hisagi Shuuhei and Ise Nanao
[Summary]: Ukitake seeks Shunsui to stand with under the mistletoe.
[Word Count]: 600
[Finished]: 30.December.2007
[Notes]: The crackyness keeps eluding me but the fluffiness seems to be taking over.

«« Stolen | Missed Opportunity
»» "A Room Full of Mistletoe, Wasted!" | Chantilly | What Could've Been | Best Served Cold | No One Else But Me | Under/Over Rated | A Well Devised Plan | You Can Kiss...(omake)

Disclaimer: Do not own Bleach and will not make a profit out of this fic. All characters©Kubo Tite

Ukitake Jyuushiro walked away from a stunned Byakuya and a shocked Renji-kun, feeling pleased with himself. Those two were in need of a good push; the mutual attraction between Taichou and Fukutaichou of Division 6 was clear to him, they had been orbiting each other for months without apparent result. So, if he could help them get on with it, he most certainly would lend a hand. Or a mouth, in this case, he mused grinning.

It had felt really good to kiss Bya-kun once again; with the familiar bitter taste of bergamot still lingering in his mouth, he reminisced their time together. They had been a sturdy house in a blizzard for one another, a strong shoulder to lean on before they could walk steadily once more. Now they had new grounds - or old, in his case - to walk further and so he lulled the memories back into unconscious thoughts, only to be roused in another tempest.

He sauntered across the room, greeting the people around, while looking for his ground, his home. He wasn’t too hard to spot, not only did his pink haori and straw hat stood from the monochromatic crowd of shinigami uniforms, he was near the drinks - where else!? Jyuushiro smirked - and accompanied - of course - by Ise-san, his fierce and loyal Fukutaichou - that, even for a party, held onto her large notebook.

His heart quickened at the sight of his love, thumping heavily in his chest, as it had since the moment he’d realize that this man held it with all the tenderness possible and would tend to it regardless.

Stilling his heart, with a deep cleansing breath and smiling softly, Jyuushiro made his way over to them, interrupting Shunsui’s conversation with Hisagi-san.

“Good-evening, have you been enjoying yourselves?” he addresses the small group cheerfully. They all smiled and replied politely.

Shunsui eyeing him blissfully, blinking in acknowledgement. “Nanao-chan, Hisagi-kun, if you’ll excuse me.” he bowed and turned his full attention to Jyuushiro, offering a hand.

Jyuushiro laced their fingers and towed him across the room, back to stand under the festive plant “I have a hanging business to resolve with you.” he informed.

“I figured you did.” Shunsui squeezed their fingers tightly, grazing his thumb over the pale skin in an accustomed gesture. “So what’s this pressing matter?”

Jyuushiro turned to face Shunsui, walking backwards through the talking and drinking shinigami, pulling his dark-haired lover. “Not pressing. Hanging matter.” he cleared, stopping and glancing up, grinning he brought the hand intertwined in his to thin lips, discreetly licking the palm.

Shivering from the rogue tongue and the look of pure delight in Jyuu’s face, Shunsui asked “Is this the shrub you’ve told me about?”

Jyuushiro nodded “Mistletoe!”

“The one that compels you to kiss whoever’s standing underneath it with you?” he pulled at their linked fingers,
bringing them closer, kissing his Jyuu-chan tenderly.

“The very same!” Jyuushiro whispered into a warm mouth “Do you like it?” he pressed himself tighter, a smile colouring his lips and cheeks.

“I like what I can do under it.” Shunsui kissed Jyuu cold lips again; a soft sweet kiss but the white-haired wanted more. He slipped in a tongue, clearly this time; savouring the deepening kiss.

“I’m beginning to like this plant very much.” Shunsui murmured a few moments later, smirking into white hair.

Jyuushiro smiled devilishly “I’m glad. I’ve stuffed your room with it. I expect a large amount of kissing to take place there tonight.” his tongue traced the rough beard and Shunsui shivered again.
“You’ve been taking your cough syrup again, haven’t you Jyuu-chan?”


Next: "A Room Full of Mistletoe, Wasted!" (Shunsui/Ukitake) - Jyuushiro's plan for a night well spent, fails.

[mistletoe kisses], p:shunsui/ukitake, !bleach, #fanfiction

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