Mar 03, 2010 22:28


Oh my God. I'm going to see GaGa irl. Well, ticket sales start Saturday, but I am sure I'm going to get those damn tickets, or I'll burn down the whole house. Lmao. I am so ridiculously excited and happy. I thought no one would go with me, but I end up going with Caya, Jennifer and Birgit. Friends I know from school. They are not that huge GaGa fans but they love her nonetheless and that's what matters. We're not going to take tickets on the field, and that's a bit of a bummer, but I understand why they don't want that because you've got to wait for like 10 hours before the concert starts or so if you want to have a good spot. And I will be there, so it doesn't matter. I might see the show better from up there and it's not like I'm going to actually USE my seat, lol. I'll dance till my pants come off. :D

The concert is two days before my exams start, but I decided to see that as a positive thing. GaGa's going to help me through them so I'll pass all of them. Haha.


!public, /life's fun, concert: the monster ball, /unf, god: gaga

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