happy birthday, dear adam.

Jan 29, 2010 00:00

Since it's actually 00.00 here in Holland now, as far as my clock approves (and I know it isn't even Friday in the USA yet), I am going to post this right away, since I can not post it on 00.00 in the USA, because it's 10am here then and I'm at school then. I am so going to regret this in the morning, have to get up at 7.30, and Adam won't give a fuck if I post this now, or tomorrow, or never, but well, guess it's just another excuse for me to enjoy the evening a lil' bit longer.

This reminds me of seeing Adam for the first time. I was youtubing my heroes, Queen, when I saw a title like "Adam and Kris performing with Queen" or something, with the big American Idol logo on the video. At first, I must say, before I watched it, I was slightly disappointed in my two beloved boys, Brian May and Roger Taylor, because they, in my eyes, 'lowered' theirselves to something like American Idol. Let's say that I never saw American Idol before and I thought of the Dutch 'Idol' programs we had, which never brings us more than a laugh because of the ridiculous auditions and some fellows can sing, but it's nothing that you'll remind. I just clicked the video, because I have the strange kind of addiction to see everything what Queen includes, and Kris Allen started with singing 'We Are The Champions'. I still, honestly, wasn't surprised. It only made me miss Freddie Mercury more. I like Kris, I do, but he's not the kind of musician I think is going to 'rule' the world, if you like. He's got a good voice and a nice face and he's incredibly funny, but his voice just didn't match the song that well. Before I get attacked by Kris fans, lol, but just - in comparsion with Freddie Mercury. And I know, I know, you shouldn't compare anyone with that God, but that's hard if they're singing a Queen song. Then sir Adam Lambert opened his mouth. My jaw dropped. Literally. He completely sung Kris 'out'. When Roger Taylor and Brian May made their appearance, tears streamed down my face. I thought he was brilliant; he gave the song something from himself, he just.. I knew it by then. I adored him. And now for the Queenies; no, he didn't top Freddie. I'm not saying that, haha. It was just so - different, that you don't even had to compare.

■ It's incredible how fast the past year must have flown by for him. Last year, same time, Adam just begun his journey through American Idol. I think round this time he was in the theatre; amazed, silly boy, that he did got through in the first place. Years and years he worked so hard, and in the 27th year of his life, it finally began to pay off.

■ Adam thought American Idol wasn't exactly the right thing for him, at first, because they weren't normally really searching for a guy like him. That's possibly true; but you can't deny a talent like Adam's, and so they didn't. He amazed everybody with, at first, his guts, to sing fucking Bohemian Rhapsody on an audition (together with Rock With You, but they didn't show that), and then his first performance at the live shows.. Satisfaction. From then on he just blew everybody away. Week after week. With one performance he had you jumping on your coach from joy and excitement, and with another he had you in tears; he's capable of it all. He won many peoples hearts, and so he finally began to live his dream. He was so generous and thankful, every single time the jury praised him after his performance, so honest about everything, so outspoken and just Adam.

■ What does 'just Adam' mean? Well, Adam is original; every song on Idol he completely made his own, and even if you liked him or not; people were talking about him. He amazed Jamie Foxx, brought Smokey to tears, performed with Kiss and got Brian May and Roger Taylor talking about him: Adam isn't 'just' an American Idol runner-up. Ofcourse, Adam is pretty. Ofcourse, that helps too. But the notes he hits (quote: "he hits notes I didn't even know they excisted!"), the way he dances, his charisma.. the way he owns the stage; he's a real performer. He is growing bigger and bigger, just in time 'For Your Entertainment' will be released world-wide and people will love him. His honesty, which I talked about before, is something to admire too. Being honest seems simple, but as someone who stands in the spotlight all the time.. just imagine. Coming out as a gay guy is one thing I am talking about, but just his whole personality; he's got nothing to be ashamed off and he's got no secrets. At the same time he's not that kinda guy that throws his whole personal life on the street, not at all.

■ Before Adam, I didn't believe that music of this time did really mean something. I really, really didn't like music of this time. I believed that the talent was gone, in terms of originality; that you'll remember that guy or girl like we do with all the artists out of the 50's/60's/70's/80's etc. I remember, a few weeks before I came to 'know' Adam, I said to my friend 'I think there is never going to be anyone as big as the stars in the past have been', and I was truly convinced off my own truth. She said to me 'I don't think so, we'll just have to wait and see,' and she was so right. Now I have found two artists who I'm very fond about (one of them is GaGa). He and she proved me wrong.

■ It may sound dramatically, but Adam truly made me a happier person, and he in fact changed me; I became more confident. Everyone near me can confirm this, it's not something I'm just making up, how weird it may sound. He let me see how it can't be wrong to be yourself, no matter how, and especially, that you can be who you want to be, that you can make anything from your life if you just fight and work for it as long and as hard as you can. I was excited when I waited for his album, which I actually never felt before, except for GaGaloo's Fame Monster, and I was so pleased with it when it came out. I am so happy that Adam didn't gave up, kept on fighting, kept on working, so that right now, all of his fans can enjoy him and his music.

■ Now he turned 28, and I'm sure this year only has more for him to come. Maybe 2010 will be the year of his breakthrough worldwide - I am convinced it is - probably he'll tour, maybe he will cause another ballyhoo in the press, no matter what, I'm sure he'll not slip away. I'm so proud on him, for staying a down to earth person even after this hell of a ride, proud because of what he achieved, and oh, Lord, I will be so happy when we'll finally have him here, in Holland, touring, as a worldwide famous artist. It is a beautiful thing to watch an artist grow from the very beginning. As long as Adam will be there making music for us, his fans, I'll be so happy and grateful that he's here on this earth.

Just cute baby pics because he's so damn adorable;

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear Adam Lambert, and I wish you so much more years to follow, and as much happines and joy in your life as you can get. I am still so happy that you became a 'part' of my life. These words are said to you so much and maybe became meaningless to you, but I assure you this comes from the bottom of my heart; I love you. ♥

!public, ~unf, happy birthday: adam lambert, artist: adam lambert

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