Back in late July I heard quite a few people scoffing about the current hurricane season. "Thought it was supposed to such a major one. And now look at it."
Look at it indeed. That's four - four - tropical systems to spin up in the Atlantic in the past 11 days alone, with three active systems out there. Now, sure, all this activity could abruptly end in the next few days, leaving us with a lovely, quiet season, but it just goes to show the danger of attempting to predict such seasons.
My guess is that the quick start to two recent seasons (the hyperactive 2005 and above normal 2008) accustomed people to thinking that above normal seasons get off to a bang in July. Actually, as 2004, and now 2010, demonstrate, sometimes a very active season can get going in August.
It also demonstrates my problems with the systems, especially when I also have three storms in the west Pacific to watch: they're mesmerizing, and I end up stopping whatever I'm doing just to watch them go round and round. Satellite technology has not always been good for us.
Meanwhile, good luck to those of you
in the cone of Earl, and here's hoping the storm goes through a rapid weakening.
Edit: Since I posted this, the National Hurricane Center has identified yet another wave of thunderstorms and low pressure moving off Africa with the potential to develop. In their words, "Yet another strong..."