A few quick production notes, as it were:
1) Erk! Sorry to alarm you all with the lateness of this post; I have been attempting to catch up with Other Things today, and therefore was not able to watch Lost at my usual time. (I had no idea any of you were waiting! I feel flattered.)
2) You may notice a certain…er…viciousness in this post. In defense of Lost, some of the angst is more probably the fault of Hulu, which kept copping out during one of the major scenes - I'm assuming because thousands of Lost fans were trying to rewatch it, which, ok, but did not make me feel particularly kindly towards the characters involved. Specifically, ONE character involved and I am only sorry that I am not on this island to HIT said particular character, although, come to think of it, no, I'm actually completely delighted to not be on this evil island.
1. What, nobody's going to mourn Sayid? I mean, ok, sure, he was an assassin and all that, but are they not aware of just how good the man looked in a tux? That alone is worth a period of deep mourning.
(pauses for deep mourning)
(scratches a cat)
2. If you are going to give the Dharma Institute credit for nothing else, you at least have to applaud their exquisite plumbing work, which appears to be able to withstand smoke monsters, atomic weapons, massacres, gas attacks, freighter attacks, machine guns and years of never being turned on. Let's all applaud.
(Seriously, why the hell is the water still running in that sink? I realize, of course, that as Lost mysteries go this one is Very Minor, especially in an episode where two greviously wounded and unconscious people have escaped from an exploding underwater sub and are now off to kill an unkillable Smoke Monster, but, It Bugs Me.)
Also, I now give the title of Most Useless Character Ever to Zoe. I realize that she has had some stiff competition (hi, Boone! hi, Ilana!) but for crying out loud. She can't even enter a house quietly? Why is she on this show?
Unless she's here to kill Kate! Ooooooh, I like that thought. Kill Kate!
3. "We're very close to the end, Hugo!" Thank you, ABC.
4. It's nice to see Rousseau back and all but I liked her more when she was all crazy. Bad of me I know.
5. "You told her not to talk to me. That made her pointless." Not to get into a debate with you, Smoke Locke, but Zoe was already pointless. And, now, the official winner of Most Useless Character on Lost Ever. At least Boone helped with the hatch and Ilana….Ilana….Ilana carried a body around! Go Ilana! Also she helped people hide in a tunnel.
7. Less yay to the writers. Seriously, Widmore and writers and ABC, it would have killed you to let us hear that last bit?
Why do I even ask.
8. Holy crap.
This is the first time since the first season that I've actually found myself liking Kate. (For yelling at Jacob.) It actually makes me feel queasy.
9. Thank you, Sawyer!
Jacob, you suck. And making other people pay because you threw your brother into a glowy cave (I am assuming this is what Jacob was talking about? I may be wrong. I miss a lot of this show because I end up petting cats.) also? Sucks.
10. Oh, GOD, Jacob, YOU SUCK.
"I chose you because you were like me. You were all alone. You were all looking for something you couldn't find out there."
What, you couldn't have signed them up for a nice OkCupid account? Seriously? THIS is what you're going for?
WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE ON THOSE TWO PLANES? Not to mention the various exploding Others, the people on the freighters, the drug dealers, the guy on the balloon, Desmond, and everybody else on a rising death toll I can't even keep up with? The two little kids with the teddy bear?
You have got to be kidding me. Seriously, what made you think that making people run through jungles and jump into mysterious hatches and get stuck in cages (however great the sex) and blown off freighters and go wildly time travelling and tossed into Tunisia was the best way to cure loneliness?
Go Smoke Monster!!!!! Go, go, go, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11. While I'm ranting…."Because you became a mother." Jacob, last I checked, Sun and Jin were also parents. Not only did you not cross their names off, you let them die and their poor little kid is going to grow up without them. To repeat my earlier point, Jacob, you suck.
(Also it's kinda sexist.)
12. "I want you to choose. I want you to have the choice I never had." Coming from someone who caused two separate plane crashes and helped order that little massacre, this is a bit rich, don't you think?
Also, telling people that this will all end very badly if they don't choose is not exactly giving free will much of a chance here.
13. Oh, sure, let the guy with the worst leadership skills of the group step forward to lead the island.
I knew that was coming, but still.
On the other hand, this greatly improves the chances that Smoke Monster will survive the finale! So, yay, and thank you more competent characters for not agreeing to do this.
Jack's worst decision ever, people. I realize we have strong competition here, but seriously. You're going with the guy who's admitted to mass murdering people out of loneliness simply because he says he has a light thingy (which none of you have ever seen) and isn't as bad as the other mass murderer on the island?
(I'm not denying that Smoke Monster is a serial killer sort. I just find him, especially now, More Sympathetic.)
14. Yay Sawyer for pointing out Jack's god complex. Somebody had to. Shut up, Kate. Oh, good. I'm back to disliking her again. The universe feels right again.
15. Lovely to see that the sideways universe people don't communicate any better than the island people. While I am ranting, seriously, Kate? You think you can just flirt and a cop is going to give up a solid job, paycheck and benefits and just let you go? At least Ana-Lucia got solid cash out of it.
Ok, off to see what other people thought.
Smoke Monster for the win!
(I'm not sure I've ever cheered on a serial killer this loudly before, but the more I see of this show the more I agree with Smokey Dude.)
Edit: In rethinking, I do have to give full credit to this episode for providing some answers at last (even if I'm not happy with the answers), and setting up what could be a decent finale in sideways universe.
Also, I've heard lots of complaints about this season. I will say that I thought the beginning of this season was excellent; the show only seemed to dive off the rails in its second half, and is now climbing back.
But seriously, how cool would it have been to have Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hugo look at Jacob in disbelief and say, "Dude. You KILLED OUR FRIENDS and lots of random people on those planes. And now you want us to become you? Forget it."
Oh well. The one real constant on this show isn't Desmond and Penny. It's that Jack will constantly irritate me and make terrible decisions.