San Jose Mercury News:As for the DNA evidence, the men presented an e-mail from the University of Minnesota reporting that of the three distinct DNA sequences that showed up, one was inconclusive, one was human and the third was from a possum.
Probably from a possum snack, opined the Bigfoot enthusiasts.
Scientific American, which as usual just wants to throw the cold water of science on everything fun, is claiming -- based solely, I must note, on pictorial evidence, without a single autopsy in a darkened room in a secret government laboratory -- that this is just a picture of a man in a gorilla suit. Oh, Scientific American. The opportunities you have missed. Meanwhile, and I don't want to sound critical, but it seems to be that the Bigfoot guys (who have not been missing the opportunity to hawk the Bigfoot merchandise on their website) have been missing an opportunity here: what if this groundbreaking discovery isn't Bigfoot at all -- but a giant werepossum out seeking Georgia barbecue?
Another take, comparing Bigfoot to a tortilla, is available from the San Francisco Chronicle