1. The latest Madeleine L'Engle reread, about
Many Waters, is up at Tor.com. Bonus! No inappropriate sex, homophobia or racism issues in this post or the comments. Yet.
2. Speaking of this sort of thing and Tor.com, since I know none of you are popping back to look at my old posts, I thought I'd alert you to a comment left by a publisher on my post about
The Silver Princess in Oz, to let me know that they are reprinting Silver Princess with the racist content removed.
I haven't taken a look at this revised Silver Princess, although it's available in ebook format for the Nook and iPad, largely because my ongoing response to Silver Princess is that I never need to read it again. I am also dubious about the value of changing texts: true, I hated, but hated, the ending of Silver Princess and I wish it had never been written, but I do think there's some value in remembering that publishers once found it completely acceptable to print stuff like that.
But that disclaimer aside, there's another bit, the bit of me that loves Oz and loves the way that 38 of the 40 Oz books welcomed and accepted everyone, no matter how different or strange, that wants other Oz readers to be able to experience that warm welcome in every Oz book, including this one. So part of me welcomes this change.
3. In completely unrelated news, I have just discovered that the only two things I planned to do in March -- The Arnold Palmer Invitational, which I have tickets for (birthday gift), and the International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts, which I've already signed up for, are taking place on the same days. Grr.
I'm not really sure how I'm going to be working this out. My initial thought of going to the Arnold Palmer on Sunday probably won't work since I've promised to meet with an old college friend on Sunday, who last I heard wasn't a golf fan, and since I want to give the extra ticket to my brother. More probably, I'll see if I can work something out with him where we go to the Invite on either Wednesday or Thursday (preferably Thursday) during the day, I collapse for a bit, and then show up at IAFA in the evening. I'll check and see when registration is open.
4. Finally, apologies for the lack of blog posts recently; I have been unbelievably exhausted. Which is one worry about the combined IAFA/Arnold Palmer thing.