Sep 18, 2011 19:00
It was finally cool enough for me to head out to the back yard with a book today -- and warm and tiring enough for me to fall asleep during it. (Good book; I've just been slammed with fatigue all weekend.)
We haven't done that much to the back yard yet -- it's an experiment in seeing what will and won't grow. Firebushes, yes, and the butterflies that like to eat them, and passionfruit vines, and the butterflies that like to eat them, and a small squat fig tree of sorts which has stubbornly refused to die or grow, that the butterflies don't like to eat at all, and a few small raspberry bushes that the squirrels and I both like to eat, and some blueberry bushes that the squirrels and the butterflies both wanted to eat, and some pepper plants that everyone wants to eat. I sense a theme here.
Speaking of squirrels -- we seem to have fewer of them, thanks to a couple of hawks in the area. (We also have bald eagles closer to the lake and in two different nests along the bike trail, but although they seem to fly over a lot of the trail, they don't seem to be venturing here.)
Naturally I had to pay the price for this little excursion, since I hadn't taken the Little One with me, even though, as he headbutted me in reminder, he has a little cat leash. I would like to note that he's not always good with the little cat leash, and therefore, my executive decision not to use it was perhaps not as cruel as it sounds, but I've been overruled on this point, and am having to spend quality chin scratching time as a result.