Jun 10, 2005 12:11
OMG! So I was all bored and sad yesterday because my marine's not here to hold me all tight in his ripped marine arms and press me up against his marine abs of steel and I still wasn't able to make myself cry by listening to that really sad song about marines and bumper stickers and stuff, so I decided to go to the mall alone. Big mistake!!!!!1
So like I was walking past Wet Seal and all the ugly and unhot brown girls were in there buying their skank outfits to go pick up other unhot people with at the clubs and stuff. I felt so naked without my marine on my arm. He would've pointed at them and told me he was going to blow up their cousins with the rocket launcher that makes him like ten times hotter which is still like a million times hotter than the sun on vacation. LOL! So one of the girls is all like giving me a dirty look and all because I'm white and pretty and she's brown and ugly and because she probably knows that my man is a marine and that he's going to kill half her family with his really hot rocket launcher. So in my head I'm all, "Bitch, my boyfriend's going to fucking get you and your unhot bloodline," but I don't say it out loud because I don't want her to infect me with her stink and because my body spray smells really good. Instead I just tilt my boobs over and show off my yellow ribbon because my boyfriend's a marine and I support our troops.
ANYWAYS I got some really hot shorts at Hollister and there was this cute guy who might have been younger than me behind the desk. I showed him my ribbon and told him I was taken by a really hot marine and that he could be a really hot marine if he took a test and passed it and all that good stuff. He said he was going to college in a few years and I told him that was a mistake because he had like the potential to be so hot and a marine and some other lucky girl's hot marine boyfriend. Then he got his manager to ring me up. I guess he's not marine material.
Today I'm going to rent Navy Seals 2 and pretend their marines.