(no subject)

Apr 11, 2010 11:57

I have always always wanted to take photographs of strangers on the street, but with their permission. I'm not into the whole "street photography" aesthetic of snapping people without them noticing. I'd rather have a conversation & have the photo be a collaborative effort. But - I am a coward. A huge coward. I find it very difficult to approach people and explain why I want a photograph of them.
A couple of weeks ago, I tried it, and I am pleased with how it turned out. Most importantly, it felt great, and I enjoyed it. It turned out to be easy!


I also took a few shots of my local area.



Brixton Sports and Social Club. The day we were viewing our house, before we moved in, someone was murdered here and the whole place was cordoned off, with dudes in white body suits standing around. MURDAH


Stress levels. Thumb's wrinkly cos I suck it.

Fingers are wonky cos I hold my pen funny.


brixton, photography, work, london

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