That's not really the point. If you don't know what others are doing it's harder to do what you want to as well.
Because it takes time away from away from actually beating up who you need to? Really I shouldn't have to explain this.
He was a kid that got assigned a chore of painting a fence. Only instead he convinced random people that it was so much fun that they should pay him so they could do his job.
I'm trying to figure out how to get more money.
Ask for jobs around a town?
Uh. No. Something faster. Not a 9 to 5 job where I have to wait around.
??? But I said jobs around town not a steady one.
Oh. Like what then?
Painting a fence! Punching people! Milking cows!
... None of those sound like real jobs. And if I wanted to be a farmer I wouldn't be here.
Why would brawl be bad?
You're silly! Course they're really jobs!
I didn't say it was bad. Just a little counterproductive.
Painting fences? Isn't that just something out of Tom Sawyer?
Why though?
Who is Tom Samyer?
Because it takes time away from away from actually beating up who you need to? Really I shouldn't have to explain this.
He was a kid that got assigned a chore of painting a fence. Only instead he convinced random people that it was so much fun that they should pay him so they could do his job.
Naaaah it is good practice and gets the blood pumping!
That is silly. Why not just do the chore?
... Right. It also creates injuries which takes more time away from beating up those you should be.
Because he didn't want to. And he got more out of it for NOT doing the chore.
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