Nico Robin- disguised as a blonde- approached the food tables, warily picking up and sniffing a muffin before wrinkling her nose and putting it back. She suspected attic fruits might be involved, and wanted nothing more to do with them.
Crocodile was both female and wearing a floor length robe with the hood pulled down. She walked up to the food tables, looked at the muffins in amusement before commenting to Robin, "Please tell me I'm not the only one who finds this deeply obvious."
"You aren't," Robin rolled her eyes. "This food fetish is getting rather ridiculous."
Robin turned to look at the woman who'd spoken to her, and did a double-take.
A fit of nervous laughter took over for a few moments, but when she could speak again, she said, "What, did you get confused about which fruit came from your attic and which came from the store?"
"I personally disagree. But I suppose if we're making a comparison, yes. It is much more subtle than most."
Robin wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself, then. It was one thing to carry on a conversation with the man online, with miles of ocean between them, and quite another to be physically in the same vicinity, and she truly feared the man.
"I don't doubt that," Robin responded. "The Vice-Admiral spent a number of weeks on board our vessel, fully believing that no one knew it was him, in spite of the fact that his disguise at the time was a set of strange glasses that had a fake nose attached, and we all referred to him by his name." She smiled at the memory, shaking her head.
"I'd imagine the change in perspective would seem rather odd," she said in response to his second comment. "Were you lucky enough to avoid Aunt Flo, or did the fruit bring her wrath down upon you?"
Calgara strode up behind Robin silently, and nodded his head congenially at her. To say he looked different was an understatement; his current attire was as far from hos normal clothing that it might even have been surreal.
He had abandoned his warrior headdress for his normal hair, which was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and in place of his bared chest and brushed leather pants, he wore a black suit and crimson shirt, though it appeared that had forgone the tie. It hung loosely about his shoulders, a fact that he did not appear ready to rectify any time soon.
He glanced from Robin to her companion curiously; he did not recognize this woman.
"Ah, Calgara-san," Robin felt a little bit better now that he was there. If anything untoward were to happen, at least now she knew she wouldn't be alone. "This is Crocodile-san. We worked together for a number of years."
"What does that say about you, then, I wonder?" Robin spoke before she really thought about what she was saying. She immediately regretted it, knowing that the cat had been let out of the bag, as it were.
Calgara's expression changed immediately from anger to confusion as he glanced from Robin to this woman named Crocodile. Briefly, he wondered if perhaps Crocodile had become subject to one of those..
Ah. Yes. Crocodile was the one who was selling those strange fruits. and last he checked, he had been male.
And apparently, he and Robin had once been involved. Calgara was not a jealous man, but he was suddenly curious as to why Robin would have had such dealings with an underhanded man such as him.
Crocodile answered, "She worked for me when we tired to take over Alabasta. The attempt sadly failed but we got so *very* close."
She smiled at Robin. More correctly her lips spread up wards and teeth where shown, "I've yet to find someone quite so easy to work with as you Robin-chan."
One of the tables has a plate of green and pink muffins with a card reading 'Present from the point bread guy!'
Green switches the eaters personality, pink switches their gender.
Robin turned to look at the woman who'd spoken to her, and did a double-take.
A fit of nervous laughter took over for a few moments, but when she could speak again, she said, "What, did you get confused about which fruit came from your attic and which came from the store?"
Robin wasn't entirely sure what to do with herself, then. It was one thing to carry on a conversation with the man online, with miles of ocean between them, and quite another to be physically in the same vicinity, and she truly feared the man.
She leaned her hip against the table and viewed Robin in amusement, "It is an odd feeling not towering over you."
"I'd imagine the change in perspective would seem rather odd," she said in response to his second comment. "Were you lucky enough to avoid Aunt Flo, or did the fruit bring her wrath down upon you?"
Calgara strode up behind Robin silently, and nodded his head congenially at her. To say he looked different was an understatement; his current attire was as far from hos normal clothing that it might even have been surreal.
He had abandoned his warrior headdress for his normal hair, which was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and in place of his bared chest and brushed leather pants, he wore a black suit and crimson shirt, though it appeared that had forgone the tie. It hung loosely about his shoulders, a fact that he did not appear ready to rectify any time soon.
He glanced from Robin to her companion curiously; he did not recognize this woman.
She looked up at Calgara and smiled mockingly, "You're very large."
"What of it?" he snarled, his voice hushed so as not to draw more attention to them. There was something about this woman that he did not trust.
Ah. Yes. Crocodile was the one who was selling those strange fruits. and last he checked, he had been male.
And apparently, he and Robin had once been involved. Calgara was not a jealous man, but he was suddenly curious as to why Robin would have had such dealings with an underhanded man such as him.
"So you two have known each other previously?"
She smiled at Robin. More correctly her lips spread up wards and teeth where shown, "I've yet to find someone quite so easy to work with as you Robin-chan."
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