
Jun 17, 2004 07:16

Ionel beat me at Carcassonne... again. I shouldn't be surprised, I only win against him once every 10 or 12 games. I guess that's what keeps me going, the hope of winning just one more time! The problem is that he plays aggressively and I don't. Whenever I try to be aggressive, he turns it up a notch and I end up in a worse situation than if I had just left things alone. It's frustrating and fun at the same time. We both love the game. :o)

What's weird is that I feel bad whenever I do win (not a lot, mind you), which is stupid since he doesn't feel bad at all when he beats me. :o\ I don't feel this way when playing against others though.

I have to learn to be more aggressive. I even lost when he invited me to his work last Friday to play against him and two other soft-eng's who love the game as much as we do. One of them always loses. Not last Friday! I lost. He won. He actually beat everyone else! What's even worse, is that he did it by helping an opponent because, and I quote, "it was the right thing to do". Aaaaagh!
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