Jan 28, 2006 15:01
no matter how confusing things get, life keeps going. something good might be happening, but i don't want to jinx it, so i'll just be annoyingly vague. details will be forthcoming sometime in the next month or two, depending on a lot of factors.
on a tangentially related point, i can't get over how much i appreciate people who are completely honest and upfront about their feelings and intentions. i can't handle subtlety. and i'm sick of people fucking with my mind, but i'm slowly getting better at avoiding situations that might cause drama. and i'm also very aware that it's not so much that people like to fuck with me, it's that i'm very good at letting them. no more of that shit.
really though, i continue to be happy, which is... weird and awesome. i applied for graduation and declared my anthro minor on thursday, so as far as i know, i just need to stop by the registrar and tell them i want my full middle name on my diploma. and come may 11, i'll be a college graduate. i'm slowly starting to look for full time jobs, and i'm doing decently well at paying off my credit cards so i'll (sort of) be able to afford to go to europe in july. and i have an apartment to live in when i come back to new york. life is just fine right now.