Dear yuletide writer

Oct 19, 2020 07:41

Thank you so much for making a story for me! I'm really excited to read what you write!

First, let me make clear that I dearly love every single fandom and character I requested. While not all my prompts are equally detailed, this is not a reflection on my level of enthusiasm.

I don't really have much to add to the individual fandom prompts I included in my sign-up forms, but let me expand on my likes and dislikes a little.

I love: humorous banter, hurt/comfort, adventure stories, fluff, stories focusing on the strong emotional bonds between characters. All of my requested fandoms include all or most of these elements, so you can't go wrong writing something that feels like canon. AUs are fine as long as they're non-mundane. If you want to put the characters in space, or make them noir detectives or pirates or elves, that's great! I'm just not very interested in seeing them be American high school students or baristas or such. I'm fine with gen, slash (f/f or m/m) or het. I'm not big on stories focused on pregnancy, babies, or reproductive biology in general (which is why I said no ABO), but kidfic is fine as long as the kid is old enough to talk. I enjoy a bit of angst, especially if it leads to hurt/comfort and/or characters getting together for the first time, but Yuletide is my happy place, so I'd prefer stories that don't pile a lot of unrelenting misery and darkness on the characters. Happy endings, please, or at least hopeful ones!

Overall, I think I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to these canons, so write what inspires you and have fun! This entry was originally posted at You may comment there using OpenID.


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