The quarantine meme

Apr 16, 2020 09:58

1. Are you an essential worker? I'm not, but The Boy is. Actually, I'm not any kind of worker right now, as the project I was working on didn't get its funding renewed at the end of 2019. There may be more funding in the future, but who knows? And, of course, no one is hiring right now. The one good thing is, I got my unemployment claim processed before the big wave of quarantine layoffs started, so at least I'm getting paid.

2. How many drinks have you had since the quarantine started? One or two a week, which is about what I had before the quarantine started.

3. If you have kids... Are they driving you nuts? N/A

4. What new hobby have you taken up during this? No new ones, but I'm trying to add new skills to the ones I already have. I have baked all the things, and am currently working on a knitting project that involves adding beads.

5. How many grocery runs have you done? About one a week.

6. What are you spending your stimulus check on? Probably banking it until the next installment of property taxes is due.

7. Do you have any special occasions that you will miss during this quarantine? Not really, but The Boy's birthday was celebrated at home with pizza and cake instead of our usual dinner out, and our wedding anniversary next week will be celebrated the same way.

8. Are you keeping your housework done? Kind of? The unavoidable stuff like dishes and laundry are getting done at the usual rate. I've vacuumed a couple of times and cleaned the kitchen a couple of times.

9. What movie have you watched during this quarantine? More than I can possibly list. Also am working my way through The Wire right now, currently on season 2.

9b. What are you reading right now? Just finished Summer in Orcus by T. Kingfisher, which I picked up because I'm a sucker for anything with Baba Yaga in it. I liked it a lot, even though Baba Yaga was only in it for a couple of chapters at the beginning and the end.

9c. What video game are you playing? Lego Superheroes on the X-box. Hidden City and Marvel Puzzle Quest on my iPad.

10. What are you streaming with? Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney Plus.

11. Nine months from now is there any chance of you having a baby? Nope.

12. What's your go-to quarantine meal? I've actually been trying to mix it up and not eat the same thing over and over, but I've sure come up with a lot of ways to cook chicken breasts.

13. Is this whole situation making you paranoid? Not really. Anxious about the future and my employment prospects, but that's to be expected, I guess.

14. Has your internet gone out on you during this time? Thankfully, no.

15. What month do you predict this all ends? I have no clue.

16. First thing you're gonna do when you get off quarantine? Go out to eat, probably. Or hiking.

17. Where do you wish you were right now? I'm fine where I am, but I wish my mom was here and not in New Jersey.

18. What free-from-quarantine activity are you missing the most? Seeing the ocean.

19. Have you run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer? Nope. We did our regular Costco run shortly before the quarantine and picked up a big pallet of TP, so we're good for a while.

20. Do you have enough food to last a month? Yes, we have plenty of canned and dried goods, as well as a fair amount of frozen veggies.

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