What I finished: Girl Waits with Gun by Amy Stewart. This is a historical novel about Constance Kopp who, in 1915, became a deputy sheriff in Bergen County, NJ -- the first woman in the US to hold such a position. The book is actually about the events that preceded her getting the job, and is concerned mostly with the Kopp sisters' efforts to get restitution from a corrupt factory owner who ran over their buggy with his car. The title and cover art made me expect a light, humorous read, which this wasn't; not that it was a slog or anything, just mostly serious in tone. Once I got used to that, I enjoyed it a lot for the historical setting and for the portrayal of the prickly but ultimately close-knit relationship between Constance and her sisters.
What I'm reading now: Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley by Charlotte Gordon. According to Kindle, I'm only 15% through the book, but it's very readable so far, full of interesting details about both women's early lives (the book alternates chapters between Wollstonecraft and Shelley). I feel like I'm getting good insight into their characters, and into the historical period.
What I'm reading next: Probably The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, as that's been sitting on my Kindle for a while.
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