Art post: noveau Natasha

Jul 25, 2015 15:37

I've been watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries on Netflix, and reading Black Widow comics. Which led me to thinking how fabulous Natasha would look in all those amazing 1920s outfits that Phryne Fisher wears. Which led to this.

Ugh. Why do the arms on all my figures always come out looking like giant limp noodles? Elbows? We don't need no stinkin' elbows!

I’m pretty sure that Natasha, even in her comics backstory, is too young to have been running around doing spy shenanigans in the 1920s, so maybe this is Natasha from the Marvel Noir universe. Maybe she can have adventures with Noir!Tony Stark, that would be awesome.

ETA: edited to use a better photo.

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black widow, drawing, fanart

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