Seven things make a post

Feb 17, 2014 14:24

1. It's been fun, watching the Olympics on Australian TV. They only report on US athletes when they actually win a medal, or at least do something interesting. And there's way fewer fluffy "personal interest" pieces. After the awfulness of the NBC coverage in the past couple of Games, it's really refreshing.

2. I feel like I should say something of substance about the new Black Widow comic, but I really have no thoughts beyond "Cool, I like it." The art is gorgeous and the writing is pretty solid. I do hope, though, that all this emphasis on Natasha making careless mistakes on missions is actually some kind of plot point and not just wonky characterization. Gonna wait and see.

3. Meanwhile, I loved the new Ms. Marvel #1. Kamala is adorable. I like her family and ger dorky teenage friends, and the cute art on the comic. Also I'm highly amused to have it confirmed that there are people writing Avengers RPF in the Marvel Universe. That's been my head canon for years.

4. I liked She-Hulk #1, too. But why is it that everyone in the world seems able to write a good Tony Stark except for the dudes who actually get hired to write the Iron Man title?

5. In my copious spare time, I've become obsessed with Marvel Puzzle Quest. Bus rides and Olympic commercial breaks are a lot more entertaining now that I can make comic book characters fight for my amusement on my iPhone. Is it wrong to ship characters on the basis of them having complementary MPQ powers? Because I totally ship Moonstone/Daken now, and I barely even know who Moonstone and Daken are. They're both evil, right? That's a solid basis for a relationship.

6. It's kind of funny, actually: the first Iron Man movie is what got me back into reading comics, and Steve/Tony is totally my main ship in the fandom, but I'm not reading Iron Man, or Captain America, or any of the current Avengers titles. I'm reading Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Daredevil, Black Widow and She-Hulk.

7. Less than a week until I go to Hawaii, yay!!!!

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general fannish, comics

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