Fic: A Wild, Clear Call (Iron Man movieverse, Tony/Pepper, PG)

Oct 15, 2011 06:58

The mer_ficathon goes live today, yay! Just as I'm about to leave for a conference and will have no time to read until the end of the week, boo. But hey, at least I got my story in on time.

title: A wild, clear call
fandom: Iron Man movieverse
characters and pairings: Tony/Pepper, Rhodey
rating: PG
word count:: about 7000
summary: Tony makes a startling discovery about his ancestry. Pepper and Rhodey get stuck dealing with the fallout.
AN: Written for the mer_ficathon. Fills the "loss of voice" square on my
hc_bingo card and the "speech deprived" and "transformation" squares on my
fanbingo card. Thanks to
muccamukk for the beta. Title paraphrased from a John Masefield poem.

The image was too bizarre to take seriously -- or it would've been, if Tony wasn't currently eating raw fish out of a bucket in the master bath.

I don't think all the stories are up yet, but they should all be up by the end of the day, so go and fill all your merfolk needs.

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iron man, fanfic

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