Happy merry! Merry Happy!

Dec 24, 2010 10:51

Happy Christmas to everyone who's celebrating!

And here, have a year-end meme.

Your main fandom of the year? Marvel Comics. I've never been in a comics fandom before. It's a totally new experience, and at my fannish age, those are kind of rare.

Your favourite film watched this year? How to Train Your Dragon. They should've called it How to be Mind-Blowingly Adorable.

Your favourite book read this year? Victory of Eagles by Naomi Novik. Yeah, I'm totally behind on everything.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year? I do all my music listening on Pandora these days, which is too random for me to have any favorites.

Your favourite TV show of the year? The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon. Marvel, why are you so good at putting out awesome movies and cartoons, and so shitty at the actual, y'know, comics?

Your best new fandom discovery of the year? Sherlock, which I totally would've missed if all of LJ fandom hadn't been squeeing about it. I have no urge to be actively involved in the fandom or anything, but I am enjoying the fic.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? Undercovers being cancelled. Okay, so I wasn't genius television. But it was shiny and fun, and I was enjoying it.

Your TV boyfriend of the year? Hmm, don't think I have one this year. Everyone's on SPN is currently too fucked-up to be good boyfriend material, the men on Nikita don't do much for me, and I'm not really following anything else. Steve Rogers is totally my comics boyfriend of the year, though.

Your TV girlfriend of the year? Nikita. Damn. Can she possibly be more awesome? Answer, of course she can, and probably will be. (For the record, my comics girlfriend of the year is Black Widow. We're having a hot threesome with Maria Hill.)

Your biggest squee moment of the year? Carol Danvers showing up in Avengers: EMH. Bring on Ms Marvel!

The most missed of your old fandoms? every now and then, I still have a nostalgic moment thinking of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys. Those were fun times.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? Fringe. I'm pretty sure I'll love it, but not until after I'm done with this PhD.

And while we're at it, have a fic round-up. I've written so little this year, I'm not even gonna bother cutting it.

In the Breakdown Lane (Marvel Comics). Probably the only Maria Hill fic written by anyone this year. Hey, someone's gotta do it.

Between the Darkness and the Stage (Iron Man movieverse). Probably as close as I'll ever come to writing Tony/Pepper, meaning a lot of UST and no actual nookie.

Comfortably Numb (or not) (Marvel Comics). I only managed two hc_bingo stories off my card, and this was one of them. I fail at bingo. However, this was by far the most popular story I wrote all year, so go fig.

The Art of Losing (Avatar: the Last Airbender). My other hc_bingo fic, and also my one and only AtLA fic.

Aaaaand, that's it for the year. Bring on 2011!

This entry was originally posted at http://marinarusalka.dreamwidth.org/520356.html. You may comment there using OpenID.

general fannish, writing

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