Despite this being the earliest I ever got on line, I still didn't get in in time for the HP and Green Lantern previews. But I got in in time for everything else, so hey. Most of the day was pretty laid back for me, as they kept previewing movies I didn't care all that much about, but with various actors I rather like. So I was all "ho-hum, vampire movie, looks vaguely interesting, might see on DVD-- hey, it's Hit Girl!" and "la-di-da, Resident Evil, don't really care about the Resident Evil movies-- whoa, surprise!Wentworth Miller!" and "Hmm, I don't know what Cowboys and Indians is, but John Favreau is directing it, so it might be fu-- OMFG IT'S DANIEL CRAIG AND HARRISON FORD!!!!!111!1 I'M BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS JAMES BOND AND HAN SOLO!!!111!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Of course, what I was mainly waiting for was the Marvel movie panel. And I brought a notebook and a pen and everything, and then my pen wouldn't write. Bleh. So, just from memory:
- Chris Evans's biceps are freaking huge. Seriously, his shirt looked as if the sleeves were gonna come apart at the seams. There isn't any footage yet to see what sort of Captain America he'll be, but lack of muscle certainly won't be a problem.
- The trailer only had a brief glimpse of Evans in the Captain America suit, but I thought he looked pretty damn good.
- The clip they showed didn't actually have Evans in it, but it had pre-Skull Hugo Weaving discovering something that might be the Cosmic Cube. Also, they were working some Norse mythology in there, possibly as foreshadowing for the Thor movie.
- The Thor clip they showed was in 3D and looked pretty awesome. Chris Hemsworth's biceps are even bigger than Evans', and he carries off the viking outfit and the theatrics well. We also got to see Odin, Loki, and the Destroyer.
- Agent Coulson from the Iron Man movies will be in Thor, and apparently in the Avengers movie too. And he seems to just be getting awesomer and awesomer.
- Kenneth Branagh really does seem to be a great be Thor fanboy. It was kinda cute.
And then, just when we all thought the panel was done, they played a short promo for the Avengers (no footage, just the logo and a voiceover) and out came surprise!Samuel L. Jackson! Followed by surprise!Robert Downey Jr.! And then they got the entire Avengers cast onstage, including Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner). (So... no Ant Man or the Wasp, I guess? Darn.) And then Joss Whedon came out to join them, and it was all one big massive geek-fest. I'm actually not that much of a Whedon fangirl, but there's no doubt he has the right kind of geek cred for this movie. RDJ introduced everyone, and was totally in character as Tony Stark, even though his hair had more of the Sherlock Holmes look.
tl;dr: it was pretty awesome, and I'm more psyched then ever for the movies.
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