Running update

Jun 06, 2010 10:37

On Friday, I officially finished the Couch to 5K program, which means I can now run for 30 minutes straight. Of course, being the slowpoke that I am, I only cover two miles in those 30 minutes, rather than the 3.1 miles that would be an actual 5K. Hopefully, speed will come as I keep practicing.

To keep myself motivated, I signed up for a race. Since it's not until August 15th, I have quite a bit of time to get myself into better shape. Not that I have any delusions of being competitive, but I'd like to at least not come in last.

For all nine weeks of the program, I ran in this little community park just down the street from my house. It's quiet and pleasant enough, but running endless loops around the same athletic field was getting kind of old. Plus, all the paths in the park are concrete, which isn't the best surface to run on. So today I went all the way to the end of Regents Street and ran in Rose Canyon, which is green and scenic and has a nice dirt trail to run on. Only thing is, the trail slopes slightly downhill from the starting point at Regents, which means the second half of my run ended up being mostly uphill. It's really amazing how much even a little teeny slope can tire you out if you're used to a flat run. I made it to a little over 24 minutes total before I had to slow down to a walk and finish the run with short intervals. Oh well, I hear hills are supposed to be good for you.

The canyon is a bit too far from my house for me to run there every time, so I'm going to save it for my Sunday runs and stick to the park during the week. Hopefully, one uphill run a week will be enough to get me into better form.

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