ComicCon Saturday

Jul 27, 2009 06:22

I've been having a totally insane week. My family (Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle) have been visiting, and I've been madly taking them all around San Diego, which has been fun but very exhausting. On Saturday, however, I opted for a different kind of fun but exhausting and went to SDCC for one day. The geek gods were with me: I got into both the Chuck ( Read more... )


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inmyriadbits July 27 2009, 17:44:50 UTC
Hee, I love the last pic! Marina the superhero! :D

Were you only two feet away from RDJ and Don Cheadle, or do you just have an awesome camera? Those shots are kind of awesome.

Did you get any kind of feel for what kind of Pepper Potts Scarlett Johansson is going to be? I've been somewhat worried about that casting, TBH.


marinarusalka July 27 2009, 18:29:17 UTC
Scarlett Johansson isn't playing Pepper, she's playing the Black Widow. Gwyneth Paltrow is still Pepper. Unfortunately, there wasn't any Black Widow footage in the reel except for a brief glimpse, so it's too early to tell what they do with the character. Johansson did talk about the martial arts training and wire work she did, and seemed pretty into it, so hopefully we'll get a properly kickass Natasha.


inmyriadbits July 27 2009, 18:35:40 UTC
Ahhhh. I was very much misinformed. (Thank goodness! I would've missed GP, and now I'm excited about SJ.) How did Paltrow-Pepper look, then?


marinarusalka July 27 2009, 19:02:19 UTC
She looked lovely. None of the footage she was in had dialogue, unfortunately, but she was prominently present during the congressional hearings scene, and it definitely looks like she has a good-sized role in the movie.


marinarusalka July 27 2009, 18:33:49 UTC
Oh, and I confess, I just took pictures of the bigass projection screen during the IM2 panel, because the screen was right in front of me, but the actual people were about half a mile away. Even with the awesome zoom lens The Boy lent me, I couldn't have gotten a decent shot.


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