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Comments 11

hazelhawthorne March 27 2009, 15:48:11 UTC
I know find myself wanting to write an AU where the angels decide that Dean is actually more useful to them without all the trauma and the emotional baggage, so they never bother restoring the boys' memories, and corporate!Dean and cubicle!Sam hit the road together as newbie ghost hunters. Dean will be the research expert and Sam will be the muscle, and they'll keep relying on the Ghostfacers site for tips, and it'll be hilarious and adorable.

Yes. This! Please?


musesfool March 27 2009, 15:59:14 UTC
I know find myself wanting to write an AU where the angels decide that Dean is actually more useful to them without all the trauma and the emotional baggage, so they never bother restoring the boys' memories, and corporate!Dean and cubicle!Sam hit the road together as newbie ghost hunters. Dean will be the research expert and Sam will be the muscle, and they'll keep relying on the Ghostfacers site for tips, and it'll be hilarious and adorable.

You should totally write it!


astri13 March 27 2009, 16:14:50 UTC
Part of the reason Sam made his decision first was that the angels, not caring about his mental state, didn't bother to try and make his life attractive

I think they either deliberately didn't mojo him to the fullest - so that he could nudge Dean along - or he is getting so powerful their mojo-ing wasn't strong enough but Sam did retain some trace of psychicness. The dreams and lingering feeling of "not right".

And something in his blood making him feel differently? If the demon blood addiction manifests in a physical craving, he'd continue to feel that. Same for his belief that he has a destiny which could be Ruby's words coming through "you are the only one who can kill Lilth and stop the apokalypse...".

I think all of this was brimming somewhere deep in the back of Sam's mind.

But also, for the past couple of seasons, Sam has been a more dedicated hunter than Dean, especially with the time he spent alone in "Mystery Spot" and during the summer, and it really came through for him here.I think, though, Sam has ironically ( ... )


marinarusalka March 27 2009, 18:32:48 UTC
Sam has ironically turned into his own nightmare: John.

That's very true. It's not exactly new, though: when he turned to hunting to avenge Jessica in the pilot, he was already far on the way to turning into John. John and Sam have always been extremely alike, which is why they were in conflict so much of the time.

It's kind of scary sometimes to consider what John might've becom if he hadn't had kids to ground him at least a little. He probably would've made Gordon Walker seem reasonable by comparison.


malkingrey March 28 2009, 22:44:45 UTC
There's nothing like having to deal with your kids 24/7 to provide you with a built-in reality check. (I've always liked that story of yours, "A Life Less Ordinary," for the way it got the feeling of that across.)


concernedlily March 27 2009, 16:34:12 UTC
Dean will be the research expert and Sam will be the muscle, and they'll keep relying on the Ghostfacers site for tips, and it'll be hilarious and adorable.

What I like to imagine about this is that then Sam and Dean go and find the Ghostfacers and tell them how great their site is and how useful their advice and the Ghostfacers are all 'But you're... we mean, well done, young Jedi! We are awesome!' (Actually, I wanted that to happen in the ep.)

I loved the Sam here as well. Further confirmation, perhaps, that it's Sam's screwed-up choices and thinking that are sending him dark in regular canon, not his basic nature/destiny.


ratcreature March 27 2009, 17:03:01 UTC
That AU would be awesome.


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