And gladly would she learn, and gladly teach

Jan 29, 2009 19:14

Went to an interesting meeting at lunch today about a new fellowship program SIO is starting up. The idea is to pair up grad students with earth science teachers at local high schools. The teachers get someone to help come up with new labs, demos and science plans; the grad students get hands-on teaching experience and a chance to make our ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

girasole January 30 2009, 03:40:10 UTC
You know the more you do, the more you get down. Trust your brilliance and your enthusiasm (en- theos, the inner goddess, no?) These kids need you, the girls especially.

Go for it, sweetie. Each action will feed the other.

with much love


popfiend January 30 2009, 17:53:37 UTC
I was gonna say this, but she said it better.


kefiraahava January 30 2009, 03:46:24 UTC
I certainly think you're capable of pulling both commitments off without having a nervous breakdown. But oh man, I hear you about always feeling swamped and behind.*wry grin*

Do you have any idea how your advisor might feel about the issue and how doing this would affect your preparations for the dissertation defense?


jaydeyn_sitari January 30 2009, 05:00:32 UTC

Yeah, might be worth doing a little time-planning thing and seeing how it would slot into your week and the year overall? Because it certainly is a worthwhile cause, plus bonus fun!

And money. Let us not forget the money.



anonymous January 30 2009, 13:17:50 UTC
I vote yes.

You have good communication skills, you're a kind person, and teaching broadens you emotionally and makes you think on your feet in different ways. And hey, it's something else to put on your resume, which can help if teaching becomes a future career (or at least something to fall back on).

Plus, you know, more money couldn't hurt ...


p.s. - On an unrelated note, this is my new favorite picture of you. I think you should make this your author photo when you get your first book published:


girasole January 30 2009, 14:15:27 UTC
What a great photograph! Yay The Boy!


popfiend January 30 2009, 17:54:26 UTC
Again. Echoes.

Get out of my brain.


ljn317 January 30 2009, 13:42:19 UTC
Realistically, you will fulfil the fellowship program probably spending more than the 12 hours a week average, and you will work on your dissertation and finish it. This means much less time for writing fan fiction for a year. So contemplate whether you think that is worth it.


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