A recs post? Wow, it's been a while.

Jan 15, 2009 16:29

According to the wisdom of the internets, today is More Joy Day. It can't possibly be a coincidence that it's also New Supernatural day, right? Sam and Dean on my TV FTW!

Anyhow, I figured I'd spread some joy by reccing some stories, since I haven't done that in a while, and my del.icio.us bookmarks are starting to pile up.

What If: Project Wideawake by simmysim. (Avengers, gen) A nicely understated distopian look at what might've happened if the anti-registration side had won the Civil War.

Atonement by eighth_horizon (Iron Man/Avengers/SPN crossover, slash, read the warnings). One of Lillith's demon's goes looking to break yet another seal, and the Avengers discover there's worse things out there than supervillains. I really like how the universes collide in this story. Also, the character voices are all great, and the demon is genuinely scary and reminds me a lot of the YED.

The future's so bright (I gotta wear shades) by kroki_refur (Supernatural, gen). A rookie FBI agent on a case in new Mexico gets some help from Sam and Dean, who aren't quite the same Sam and Dean that we're used to. Featuring psychic!Sam, super-protective!Dean and a really well-written outsider POV.

Two kinds of light by eighth_horizon. (Supernatural, gen) The war between Heaven and Hell is in full swing, Sam and Dean kick ass, and Castiel is an angel of the Lord who really needs a hug. I love this story like pie.

Tell your mother it wasn't I by amonitrate (Iron Man movieverse, gen). A Halloween story that manages to be incredibly creepy without any supernatural elements whatsoever. I can't really describe it without spoiling it, but I love Rhodey's voice in this, and Tony kinda breaks my heart.

To course across more kindly waters now by dsudis (Supernatural, gen). Dean and Castiel, right after Castiel gets Dean out of Hell. I love the dreamlike feel of the story, and how genuinely otherworldly Castiel is, and how much Dean is still Dean, even in a situation he can't make any sense out of. This is the missing scene from season 4 I didn't know I wanted until I got it.


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