A number of folks on my flist have mentioned this, but I figure it can't hurt to point out once more that
heynielsen.com is a new site from the Nielsen folks that gives viewers a chance to let Nielsen know what shows we're watching and what we think of them. I have no idea how seriously they're planning to take this information, but it certainly can't hurt to go over there and give SPN some love. (Or any other show of your choosing, of course, but let's face it -- it this LJ, it's all SPN love all the time.) The usual common-sense rules apply: be polite, don't spam, don't gratuitously bash other shows, and generally don't give Nielsen any reason to disregard your input on the grounds that you're obviously nuts.
In other SPN-related matters, I posted fic this weekend! Yay me!
This Wheel's On Fire is my pathetically late
reel_spn entry. It's a reworking of the Ghostrider movie, but you don't need to have seen the movie in order to follow the story.
Personal resolution: no more challenges, ficathons, exchanges, or any other writing commitments for me for at least six months. This means no
yuletide again, which is a shame, but I need a break, dammit.